Can The Dems Be Civil?

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On Saturday, Robert Bowers killed eleven people and wounded at least 6 others in a Pittsburgh synagogue during morning services. Based on his social media, Bowers appears to someone who hates Jews and President Trump as well.  It will be interesting to watch how the MSM plays this one.  I feel certain that they will find a way to blame the President.

Earlier in the week we had wall-to-wall coverage of the man who mailed nonfunctioning, non-explosive devices to Democratic lawmakers and some of their wealthy supporters.  The press leaped to castigate the President for the actions of this man.  As it turns out, the alleged perpetrator was a registered Democrat at least until 2016.

Courtesy…Power Line

The devices were so amateurish that the Feds had a hard time coming up with charges against the man.  If they were real bombs, the guy would be facing a potential life sentence for each one. However, nothing like that is in the offing for him.  Somehow this whole thing just doesn’t pass the smell test.

Of course, the knee jerk reaction of the Dems and their corrupt cronies in the press was to blame Republicans for “violent rhetoric.”  This is incredible.  And by that I refer to the true meaning of incredible, that is, not to be believed.  Since before the election, the left has been instigating violence across the country. They paid people to go to Trump rallies and try to start fights.  When they succeeded, the MSM tried to say that “peaceful” protestors had been attacked.

Democratic politicians have led the way with violent speechifying.  Back in June, 2017, published a limited number of these gems. It has gotten a lot worse since then.

Prominent Democrats and their supporters regularly accuse Republicans of being racists, sexists, Nazis, fascists, homophobes, etc.  They are destroying the planet and ruining the environment.   They want women and children to die. Elizabeth Warren claimed that Republicans would kill 20,000 people a year if they were allowed to repeal Obamacare. Is it any wonder that some people take the next logical step and become violent?

As it turns out, some 80,000 more people a year are dying since Obamacare was fully implemented.  I do not hear the Republicans blaming the Democrats for these 80,000 additional deaths.

The Democrats are just following their first commandment.  As noted by Dee Chadwell:

The press is calling for a toning down of political speech by the President and other Republicans.  I believe that if the Democrats would become civil, there would be no need for any additional changes in speechifying.  Unfortunately the Dems know that if they did that, more and more people would see that they have no agenda at all.  So there is little chance of that happening now.