Mid-Term Election Results, Part 1

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The mid-term elections are mostly over.  There are still a few House races to be determined and a couple of Senate seats as well. Apparently, as I write this, the Democrats are trying to steal a Senate election in Florida and Arizona.  The corruption of the voting process in South Florida is incredible.  How all that will play out is unknown at this point.

So what was the result? Was the outcome “ a historic win” as PDJT said or did a “blue wave” occur as the Democrats claim?

At this point the Democrats have picked up 33 seats in the House and now control that chamber.  They may pick up a couple more when all races are determined.  How does that compare to previous Presidents during mid-terms?

There were “red waves” back in 1994 and 2010 when Clinton lost 54 seats and Obama lost 63 seats. The current GOP losses are significantly less and are consistent with the results from the Reagan presidency.  And these losses come amid unprecedented animosity from the MSM towards a sitting President.  Although I believe that more and more thinking Americans are seeing though the hatred and bias displayed by the MSM, undoubtedly there are those who buy into the garbage they are spewing.  I would characterize the result as more of a “blue swell” than a “blue wave.”

Some would counter with the fact that PDJT was very active on the campaign trail and still lost a bunch of seats in the House.  It is true that he was out there.  However, almost exclusively, his efforts were aimed at Senate seats.  The one exception that stands out was the House race in Charlotte, NC when he campaigned for Mark Harris.

This was a particularly nasty campaign with the Dems spending a lot of money and pulling out all the stops in an effort to smear Harris.  The Dems’ smear ads ran almost continuously during the last month of the campaign.  In the end, with the support of PDJT, Harris eked out a close win.

On the Senate side PDJT is the 1stPresident on either side of the aisle in more than 40+ years to increase his party’s representation.  Previously Reagan had done the best, by maintaining the GOP numbers in the Senate.  At this point the GOP has picked up two seats and, if the Dems can be prevented from stealing elections in Florida and Arizona, they may increase their lead.  I am not sure if I would characterize that as historic but it is certainly out of the norm.

And the outcome appears to be a direct result of PDJT’s campaign activities.  Time after time tens of thousands of people came out and demonstrated their support of the President.  At the same time only a few hundred people would show up to rallies where former President Obama or other Democratic luminaries were the highlighted dignitaries.  I believe that PDJT showed, without a doubt, that he is an asset to GOP candidates.  Most candidates who shunned his help lost.