Returning Christ To Christmas

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For too many years we have had leaders who were afraid to recognize Christianity as a critical religion in America.  This has been particularly true when it came to Christmas.  There has been a big push helped along by a corrupt media to try to take Christ out of the season.  It became “Happy Holidays” rather than “Merry Christmas.”  It has been made to appear that the holiday season had nothing to do with the birth of our Lord and Savior more than 2000 years ago.

Some recent Presidents were afraid to say “Merry Christmas” because it might offend someone who was not a Christian.  References to the very existence of Christ in government spheres were frowned upon.

Every day we have been confronted with outrageous attacks from leftists (fake news media, Democrats, and Hollywood) on our culture, morals, freedoms, and values.   They are attempting to eradicate the fact that we are a Christian nation.  That the country we live in was birthed from Christian morals and values.  That the very freedoms we enjoy are direct descendants of the efforts of the moral Christians who helped create America.

These rights and freedoms were not given to us by a government.  Christianity helped to create a country whose beliefs include the fact that certain rights and freedoms are bequeathed on us by God as inalienable.

There is a war going on in this country.  It is a war of good vs evil.  Being passive about it has gotten us into the mess we are in.  But there are good things beginning to emerge.  As Lloyd Marcus over at American Thinker reports:

And the truth is that we have a President who is not afraid to express that he is a Christian and who is fighting to put Christ back into Christmas.  PDJT’s  Christmas speech last year shown here is proof of that.  God bless President Trump.