Because They Can

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There are good people who honestly want to believe the our DOJ is not corrupt, that statements by PDJT and others that a swamp exists within the federal bureaucracy are just wild outbursts designed to elicit votes in an election. Or perhaps machinations trying to cover up malfeasance.

The video below contains a presentation by Howard Root, CEO of Vascular Solutions.  Root and Vascular Solutions were the targets of DOJ prosecution and prosecutorial misconduct beyond your wildest imagination.  The prosecutorial misconduct was no better than what happened in Russia under Josef Stalin except that nobody has been executed.  And all this happened during President Obama’s watch.

The video is lengthy (approx. 50 minutes) but is well worth your time.  Mr. Root does a great job narrating the story.  He explains the legal issues in a way that is easy to understand.  Root has written a book on his ordeal.  His story is emblematic of the problem that exists within the DOJ today.

Howard Root’s experience is not unique.  Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) was treated to the same kind of misconduct when he was a Senator.  It cost him an election.  His conviction was later overturned by Judge Sullivan who easily saw through to the misconduct of the prosecutors.  Unfortunately there are very few judges like Judge Sullivan.

Harvey Silverglate has written a book on this subject called “Three Felonies A Day.”  The dangers spelled out there do not apply solely to “white collar criminals,” state and local politicians, and professionals. No social class or profession is safe from this kind of action by the DOJ.

This is what PDJT and anyone who chooses to associate himself with PDJT face from the Mueller witch hunt.  Mueller’s cohorts tried to financially ruin General Flynn.  They would do the same to anyone else who does not have the financial resources to fight back.

This is President Obama’s legacy of injustice. Real criminals are not brought to justice. The prosecutors in the DOJ create fake criminals to pad their stats and gain advancement.  They do this by coercing plea deals from fake criminals who cannot afford to spend millions of dollars defending themselves.  The DOJ needs to be cleaned out from top to bottom.