The Wall Address

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On Tuesday evening PDJT went before the American public to make his case for the building of a border wall.  Of course, getting airtime was not a guarantee.  Most of the networks would rather do something else than provide PDJT with time to make his case.  However, the MSM could not afford to have all the analysis coming from Fox News.  So the networks caved and broadcasted his address.

PDJT pointed out that America has proudly welcomed millions of immigrants over the years.  He noted that lawful immigrants have enriched our society and have made numerous contributions to our country.  What he did not say which is also true is that no country has welcomed more immigrants than America.  No country even comes close.  Over 70 million lawful immigrants have entered our country over the last 60 years.

He then pointed out what most people know.  Uncontrolled, illegal immigration hurts all Americans.  It drives down wages.  Of course, the US Chamber of Commerce likes this.  This is why they support open borders.  This is why the big corporate donors have flocked to the Democratic Party in recent years.  The Democrats rail about “dark money” in politics.  They rail about corporate greed while pocketing huge amounts of campaign money from these sources.  During the 2016 election the Democrats outspent the Republicans by more than a billion dollars.  Four of the five biggest donors to political campaigns are those who strongly support Democrats.

PDJT pointed out:

In the last two years, ICE officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with criminal records, including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes, and 4,000 violent killings. Over the years, thousands of Americans have been brutally killed by those who illegally entered our country, and thousands more lives will be lost if we don’t act right now.

The Washington Post fact checker said his numbers were accurate but misleading. Really?  Either such arrests occurred or they didn’t.  Either the assaults occurred or they didn’t.  Either the killings occurred or they didn’t.  I guess it is not possible for the Washington Post to acknowledge that PDJT is unequivocally right on anything.

Perhaps the worst part of this is the amount of drugs (meth, cocaine, heroin, fentanyl) that flow across the border.  These drugs lead to tens of thousands of deaths every year.  As one local law enforcement officer said all of our states are border states.  Once the drugs are across the border, they can be anywhere in the country in 2-3 days.

It certainly seems like a physical barrier is an idea whose time has come.  The Democrats and Republicans have long given lip service support to such an idea. However, no substantial effort to bring this to fruition has occurred in the past.  This is because, in the past, corporate money controlled legislative outcomes.

PDJT is different.  He is fighting for Americans not for the corporate giants.

What was the Democratic response to all of this?  Well, it turns out they needed three people to make their case. I guess that PDJT is too strong for any one Democrat to handle.

Senator Schumer and Speaker Pelosi took on an American Gothic pose while trying to con Americans that they had “safe and effective measures for securing the border” that did not involve building a wall.  The reason I say it is a con is because they never listed what those measures might be or where info could be obtained about them.  This is the same BS that politicians have been feeding us for years.

Their efforts were targeted and designed to appeal to those more moderate Democrats who may be leaning in the direction of PDJT.  On the other side of the coin was Alexandra Ocasio-Cortz (AOC).

AOC blasted PDJT claiming, without supporting facts, that PDJT was lying throughout his address.  As noted above, WaPo disagreed with her.  She tried to make the case these were women and children who were trying to come to provide for this nation and better their life.  The recent migrant caravan proves the inaccuracy of this characterization since about 90% of them were military-age males.

Again without supporting facts, AOC accused PDJT and ICE of systematically violating basic human rights at the border.  She stated that ICE has terrorized citizens and immigrants alike as well as detaining people in brutal and lethal conditions.  One of the few facts she did offer was the death of a child in ICE custody on Christmas.  She blamed this on PDJT and ICE.  Apparently she “forgot” that the child’s “father” refused medical treatment for the child.

AOC claimed that PDJT is forcing people to become illegal aliens. Apparently she is “unaware” of the number of people who legally enter the country each year.

AOC’s role in all of this seems to have been to rile up the militant wing of the Democratic Party.  She seems intent on activating the violent foot soldiers like Antifa and BLM to get out and riot.  It is certain that she was not appealing to the more moderate wing of the party.