Go Directly To Jail

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HPSCI ranking member Devin Nunes (R-CA) was interviewed by Bill Hemmer last week.  During the interview he warned that there will be massive political consequences if Justice Department officials don’t face jail time for their conduct during the Russia collusion hoax.  It is a warning that AG Bill Barr and the Department of Justice should take very seriously.

Via Fox News – […] According to Nunes, the Russia investigation was an “obstruction of justice trap,” that started without evidence of collusion and ended in an “awful situation” that could only be fixed by jailing the people who “perpetuated this hoax.”

What do we know at this point about the biggest political scandal in the history of our country?  There were undercover operations that appeared designed to “dirty up” Trump campaign advisors. There were entrapment schemes to silence/control people who knew something about what was going on. There was the Steele Dossier.  There were FISA warrants issued based on unverified information.  There is the Mueller report.  It intentionally misleads the public regarding the extent of Russia’s attempts to interfere in the 2016 election as well as who the Russians would have preferred to see as President.  And the list goes on and on.

Robert Mueller was supposed to testify to Congress on July 17th. That has now been “delayed” to July 24th.  Will he testify?  Only time will tell.  According to Nunes it was known prior to Mueller’s appointment that there was no collusion.  So what did they waste $40 million on?  Trying to trap PDJT into an obstruction of justice charge!

These traitors were highly skilled operatives.  As Nunes says, it’s going to be difficult to prove conspiracy. These traitors will claim they really thought Trump was an agent of Russia. Can the evidence be found that proves otherwise? I hope so.  As Nunes says,

“These are all a bunch of dirty cops and I’ll tell you we’re going to go down in a spiral in this country because you will not have a Republican that will trust the FBI or the Department of Justice for generations to come.”

Hat Tip…CTH

And it won’t just be Republicans who won’t trust the DOJ or FBI for generations. There are many people in the country right now who won’t trust these organizations ever again and others who certainly won’t trust until the parade to jail is well underway.

Is it realistic to expect that all of the traitors are going to jail? Again I would hope so but evidence needs to be presented in a court of law.  You need to have reasonable expectations and always consider how complex that task may be.

Our country has been massively usurped.  The usurpers and their beneficiaries are still being highly rewarded.  Witness the number of ex-Obama administration people with high paying gigs in the MSM.  They need their liberty, assets, pay and pensions forfeited.

There has to be punishment!  Otherwise the government will become another Soviet-type ruling class that will never be held responsible for its crimes. There cannot be two systems of justice.  Otherwise we will be giving a green light to further law breaking and criminal behavior within the government.

Let the perp walks begin.  (I know those are no longer allowed.)

Podcast Interview Here