Moonbat Crazy

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Moonbat crazy.  It is the only way to describe what happened in the House on Tuesday.  Speaker Pelosi speaking as a member not as speaker broke the Rules of the House and had her speaking privileges revoked by the House Parliamentarian.  It is the first time in decades that a member has had this happen and for it to happen to the Speaker is highly unusual.

The last Speaker to have his words stricken from the record was Tip O’Neill, a Massachusetts Democrat.  This occurred in May 1984.  The action came after Republican Newt Gingrich, then a Georgia congressman, sparred with O’Neill.  O’Neill remarked:

“My personal opinion is this: You deliberately stood in that well before an empty House and challenged these people, and you challenged their Americanism, and it is the lowest thing I have ever seen in my thirty-two years in Congress.”

The parliamentarian determined at the time that the speaker’s use of the word “lowest” amounted to inappropriate language, and O’Neill’s words were taken down.

Pelosi claimed the words she used had been cleared by the parliamentarian. It turns out Pelosi lied.  How surprising.  The parliamentarian ruled against her.

Tuesday House Democrats then did what they always do.  The rules are for others, not them.  They overruled the parliamentarian and restored the Speaker’s ability to speak.  They then went on to condemn the President who said on Sunday that if you hate America, just leave.  He was referring to the four rookie members of the House who now run the Democratic caucus, Omar, Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez and Pressley.

All of this just proves that Pelosi has lost control of her caucus. The only thing she can get them to rally around is hatred of the President.  Pelosi has given up any pretense of trying to legislate for the good of the country.  Articles of impeachment have once again been submitted by a Democratic House member.

What needs the attention of Congress?  Spending appropriations bills.  The debt ceiling.  USMCA Treaty. Infrastructure spending.  Fixing immigration laws.  The border crisis.  And on and on.

Pelosi wants to remain in the good graces of those who would destroy the country as we know it.  None of the four will condemn any violence committed in their name or for their cause.  What you don’t condemn, you promote.  They are promoting the taking over of the country by anarchy.  Are the Democrats trying to start a civil war?