The Circus Comes To Town

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The circus returns to Washington.  On Wednesday Robert Mueller is scheduled to appear before two House committees.  Mueller is expected to testify for a total of five hours.  It has long been speculated that if Mueller testified, he would not testify alone.  On Tuesday it was announced that Aaron Zebly would join Mueller.  Undoubtedly he will be there to “help” Mueller remember specific items in the report.  It appears that Mueller was little more than a public figurehead.  He probably does not know a lot about the actual formulation of the report bearing his name.

What is the Democrats’ purpose in heading down this path?  Of course, the long term objective is to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States.  They hope to do this via impeachment even though PDJT has done nothing wrong.

Impeachment is a political process.  The Democrats know they cannot succeed with impeachment unless they can generate outrage.  So outrage will be one of the objectives of this exercise.  It will not be about educating the American public about impeachment as Speaker Pelosi has been peddling.  And the Dems will hope for outrage on both sides of the aisle.  They desperately need the smokescreen that outrage brings.

Outrage among people supporting PDJT will serve to divert attention away from the origins of the attempted coup.  This is where jail terms await many of the players whose names have been connected with this scandal.

As Sundance over at CTH notes,

The issue(s) surround the aggregate investigation of candidate, president-elect and President Donald Trump.  Those who participated in the soft-coup and ongoing impeachment effort would like nothing more than to discuss all of the DOJ and FBI actions they took when faced with the possibility that Vladimir Putin had installed a Russian asset in the White House.

All of the outrage about lying to the president-elect; hiding information from the president-elect/President; planting spies in the White House; placing bugs and seeking wiretaps and surveillance on the administration etc.  All of what is known, and buckets more action that is unknown – all of which will stir up jaw-dropping outrage, is exactly the narrative that benefits the DOJ/FBI and intelligence group.

The group would love to stir up the outrage into a frothing boil of shock and awe only so they can openly admit everything, and say: “yeah, so what?”  “What we faced was unprecedented; remember, the Russians attempted to influence the election; there was evidence Trump was participating…. What else were we supposed to do?”  Etc.

Chairman Nadler began to stoke outrage on Tuesday on morning TV shows. The DOJ had sent a letter to Mueller outlining the extent that Mueller is permitted to testify.  Nadler decried the hubris of the letter, calling it “incredibly arrogant” of AG Barr to send such instructions.  The media joined in selling this outrage.

The problem?  The DOJ letter was in response to a request from Mueller for such guidance.

See the complete letter here.

Now it is quite likely that Nadler’s staff in conjunction with Mueller’s attorneys had the letter sent so they could manufacture outrage in front of the American public.  This is a made-for-TV extravaganza.  They could then advance various inanities about cover-ups and speaking the truth to power. Nadler himself said,

“I think it’s incredibly arrogant of the department to try to instruct him in what to say.  It’s part of the ongoing cover-up by the administration to keep information away from the American people.”

They also move the focus away from the origins of the investigation.

AG Barr was asked about the letter.  His response is classic Barr.

A spokesman for Mueller, Jim Popkin, said the letter had been received but declined further comment.

Chairman Nadler seems to be somewhat out of touch with how much information is out in the public sphere. He seems to believe that the American public is going to swallow whatever the Democrats tell them even if it contradicts known facts.

It’s okay for the American public to be outraged so long as they remember that the Democrats tried to rig the 2016 Presidential election using the offices of Obama’s DOJ, FBI, NSA and CIA. That’s where the real focus and outrage needs to be.

Time to get some popcorn.  The circus is about to begin again.  Just who will put on the clown suits?