Money Laundering

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A lot of evidence is emerging about corruption in the Ukraine.  Many people on both sides of the aisle give at least lip service to the idea that Ukraine was quite corrupt as a country.  Despite this the elite pols in Washington are in a frenzy about PDJT asking the new President of Ukraine to look into possible corruption.  The new Ukrainian President, who is not a politician, ran on an anti-corruption platform.

One has to ask why the frenzy?  Why would they be upset about investigating corruption in Ukraine?  What would sunlight on corrupt activities in Ukraine reveal?  Who would be exposed?  Why is Joe Biden once again trumpeting the lie that there was “no hint of scandal” during the Obama administration?

The swamp is clearly in a panic.  Let’s define the swamp to be sure about who it is.   As noted over at LBA,

“The swamp is Democrats, establishment Republicans, the politicized and corrupt wing of the intelligence community, the “career” bureaucrats and other grifters who support them all, and the corporate media which serves as the marketing arm for the entire disgusting thing.”

Why do they all fear Trump so much?

“It’s because they’re all parasites in the swamp, feeding off We The People who serve as their primary host. And Trump promised to drain the swamp, which would starve most of them out and leave them with nothing. And so for the swamp monsters and parasites, stopping Trump isn’t a matter of principle. It’s a matter of survival.”

We already know from his own lips that Joe Biden ordered the firing of the prosecutor investigating Burisma.  Burisma is allegedly one of the most corrupt companies in Ukraine.  Burisma is where Biden’s son had been hired at more than $50K per month as an apparent no-show board member.  Hunter Biden netted millions from this activity.

In fact, reports are now surfacing that Hunter Biden may have profited to the tune of more than $16M.  Ukrainian prosecutors recently indicted the owner of Burisma on a variety of financial crimes that appear to be tied somehow to Hunter Biden’s membership on the Burisma board of directors.

It has also been revealed that the families of other high-ranking elite US Pols have benefitted.  Additional stories are surfacing about other politicians and their families in connection with other Ukrainian companies.

The real question has to be where did the money come from for these payments.  And if the stories surfacing are proven to be true, it is a lot of money.  While paying “protection” money is an age-old practice, these amounts are quite significant.

An article written by Mark Hewitt may provide some insight.

In 2008, a company Hewitt worked for won a contract to manage the airport (Roberts Field) in Monrovia, Liberia.  Fifteen years of civil war had destroyed Monrovia’s infrastructure and Roberts Field.

As part of the rehabilitation of Roberts Field, Hewitt’s people worked closely with the airport station chiefs as well as members of the US Embassy, especially the Econ Chief.  The Econ Chief managed US aid and provided equipment through a vendor the State Department had on contract.

Hewitt noted,

Indeed, isn’t that how one launders money?  Michael Coudrey, in his bombshell reporting on Burisma, indicated “complex money transfers from foreign sources into the control of a slush fund.”  More than just Hunter Biden benefitted from the $80K+ per month that Burisma sent Rosemont.  Just where did the “complex money transfers” start?  Where did the originating cash come from?

Sundance over at CTH is rather direct about how the Ukraine became the center of a money laundering operation.

There is even a term used for these operations.  It is called “Ukraine affluence.”  Is it any wonder that Ambassador Yovanovitch was miffed at being recalled to Washington?  Based on the above it was not surprising that she felt intimidated when the President tweeted about her time in the Ukraine.  The former ambassador has to be concerned about what sunlight will expose about her time at the embassy there.

I think this explains all the eagerness over the years under Presidents of both parties to overthrow various governments in many countries and have the State Dept. and CIA install their leaders of choice to insure the money flows freely into their pockets. Remember, during the Obama administration the CIA instigated a coup to oust the Ukrainian President because he was leaning too much toward Russia.  The American taxpayer has been raped by these crooks for a very long time.  And most of us common people did not know.

President Trump is an existential threat to all of this.  His election threatened to expose and stop much of this activity. Thus, the attempts to remove Trump started as soon as he was elected.  The Washington Post ran a headline 19 MINUTES AFTER PDJT WAS INAUGURATED.  It said, “The Campaign To Impeach President Trump Has Begun.”

PDJT’s forays into the Ukraine have sent the Deep State politicians into panic mode.  In attacking PDJT, these crooks are exposing themselves. However, as we have seen so often with the Trump effect, his enemies are placing the nooses around their own necks.  I wonder when James Comey will leave on that trip to a non-extradition country?

Just who in Washington was on the receiving end of corrupt cash flows in Ukraine?  Who will tell the whole story about the real quid pro quo?

The storm is here.