Making It Up As They Go Along

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Much time has been devoted here to pointing out the obvious bias and lies of the main stream media.  The MSM claims that the President is a danger to the freedom of the press.  They like to say that his attacks have a chilling effect on such freedom.  They might have a point if they could only stick to the facts in their reporting of newsworthy items.  But they can’t.

Their desperation to defeat PDJT’s re-election effort leads them to sacrifice their credibility and peddle obvious lies.  This in turn re-enforces to the common people that the MSM will say anything to stop PDJT from continuing in office.

This week WaPo and CNN combined in a whopper of epic proportions.  In a jaw-dropping moment on CNN’s ironically named Reliable Sources program, Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell made a ridiculous claim:

“The economy today is not substantially different from the economy before Trump took office.”

Really?  In what alternate reality does this woman live?  During the Obama administration the American public was lectured to expect a flat economy.  Stagnation was the mantra of the day.  We heard over and over to expect 1½% growth as the norm.  Manufacturing jobs were gone and were never coming back.  There would be a continuing decline in high paying jobs.  The middle class would continue to shrink.

When the tax cut package was passed, we all heard about “crumbs” for the middle class.  The Democrats said only the billionaires were really getting a tax cut.  Nobody else would benefit.  I am sure the MSM will continue preaching this through the election in 2020 because we all know that a booming economy is great support for a sitting President.

The reality is that the stagnation of the Obama economy is gone.  Unemployment is at historic lows.  Minority unemployment has never been this low.  More businesses are hiring because their tax burden was reduced when Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Small businesses are able to reinvest in their business, which, in turn, means they have more flexibility to hire people.  PDJT has done more to lift people out of poverty than all Presidents in the last 30 years combined.

Rampell attempted to claim that these are just “extensions” of what was already happening and that there is no obvious change in the employment patterns.  She emulates Obama who tried to claim credit for the dramatic change in the economy AFTER the Trump tax cuts and the deregulation efforts.  Rampell must believe that Americans have extremely short memories.  She has to be completely oblivious in order to try to peddle this nonsense.  I guess one has to be an Ivy League Phi Betta Kappa to disregard reality to this extent.

Being an elitist, she may have some disdain for those at the lower end of the wage scale.  We cannot expect her to understand what it is like to want to keep your hard-earned money and decide how you spend it. And it is those at the lower end of the wage scale who have benefitted the most from the Trump economy.

Of course, there is an occupation that has not benefitted very much from the Trump economy.  That occupation is journalism.  The number of journalism jobs in the main stream media have been declining.  I wonder why that might be.  It couldn’t have anything to do with the declining credibility of the MSM, could it?