Media Lies

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Without the dishonest media’s constant lies, the Democratic Party would not exist as a viable entity in its current form.  Following on with this week’s exposing of the media’s lies, let’s take a look at a few more individual examples.

In a December 5th in a New York Times piece, the headline screamed, “Donald Trump is a Clear and Present Danger to the 2020 Election.”  Now we all know at this point that the Times will broadcast anything in order to prevent the re-election of PDJT.  Here the Times is saying that President Trump is so corrupt that he will rig the 2020 election.

Once again the Democrats and their media allies are projecting their own crimes onto others.  To re-enforce this point, the sub-heading read, “Who gets to pick the next president of the United States — President Trump, Russia, or us?”

One might have thought that Mueller debunked this hoax.  Apparently the Times, whose editor boasted that they did a great job covering the Russia hoax, still did not get the memo that there was no collusion.

Back in early 2018, Ned Price, former special assistant to Barack Obama, tweeted in response to PDJT’s request of Jeff Sessions to investigate potential FISA abuse.  Price noted,

“Don’t take the bait by falling for or even accepting the premise. There was no ‘massive FISA abuse.'”

He followed this up on MSNBC Live With Stephanie Ruhle.

Of course, as the recent IG report and FISA court docs have revealed, abuse of the FISA process was greater than anyone knew.  The Nunes memo was truthful in all aspects and the Schiff memo was a pack of lies.  Not only was Price’s analysis not challenged, but host Mark Thompson went on to accuse the President of sedition.

This is the kind of irresponsible reporting that has become the norm within the MSM.  This tactic by the left and their media cronies has become all too commonplace.

In early 2018 Senators Grassley and Graham made a criminal referral of Christopher Steele.  Based on the reactions of the MSM, the Democrats and the NeverTrump GOP, one would think that they had attacked motherhood and apple pie.  Democrats and their media allies called the move “shocking.”  Senator Graham was referred to as looking “like a man possessed.”  Senator Grassley’s credibility was questioned.  Commentators reported that there was no connection between Steele and the Russian collusion investigation.

The IG report has refuted all these statements.  It has detailed the use of the Steele dossier that was so vigorously denied by the Dems and the MSM.  The facts are the exact opposite as claimed by the MSM.

The MSM peddled these lies and repeated them over and over. Today we know who was lying to us.  It was CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, The New York Times, etc.   This fact needs to be spread far and wide.  We need to let these “news” outlets know that we are on to them.  We need to let them know that no longer will the people blindly accept what they are peddling.

If the MSM ever wake up and admit that they were wrong, admit that they were part of a horrendous miscarriage of fairness and objectivity,  crows may become an endangered species.