The stakes are escalating daily as authoritarian government officials deny their citizens the right to earn a living and/or to attend religious services and/or just to enjoy the simple rights of free association. Citizens who are following the CDC guidelines have been arrested and charged with violating lockdown orders that came from their local government officials. The repressive nature of some of those people who have been elected to serve us is going on display all over the country.
The time has long since passed that people need to be confined to their homes if there ever was a need to do so in the first place. Now if someone is sick with COVID-19, there may be a need for quarantine. But, government has been shutting healthy people in their homes and preventing healthy people from making a living.
The overbearing application of government force is out in the open for all to see. They are openly shredding the Bill of Rights. A mother in Idaho is arrested for taking her daughter to the playground. Protests at the Idaho statehouse followed.
In New Jersey Kim Pagan was arrested by the State Police for organizing a peaceful protest in Trenton, the state capital. The following were the parameters set out for the protest:
For this peaceful activity that is protected under the First Amendment, Kim Pagan is facing six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. In addition, Pagan can potentially face criminal charges including second, third, and fourth-degree indictable offenses.
When questioned about this abridgement of the First Amendment, the governor said, “That’s above my pay grade.”
In Michigan wannabe Hitler Gretchen Whitmer is refusing to relinquish her emergency powers after the legislature voted to stop the draconian measures she had been implementing. Is anyone surprised? Dictators are very reluctant to relinquish their power once they get it.
They have closed houses of worship. And they will remain closed until people bow down to City Hall. They have banned gun sales while releasing violent felons onto the streets. One could go on and on. And the worst of this has been done by Democratic governors and mayors.
The Democrats are following the example of Boko Haram and the CCP in taking advantage of human misery for their own gain. America is finally seeing what the Democrats have in store for the common people if they should ever gain executive and legislative control over the country. A police state is the only future that is acceptable to the modern Democratic Party. Then they do not have to worry about lying to win elections.
There is only so much despotism and repression that Americans can tolerate. We may be near a breaking point. Remember, the Arab Spring was started by one Egyptian who was fed up with an overbearing and corrupt government. On Tuesday, Shelley Luther, a salon owner in Dallas, was jailed for violating a local business closure order. She was also fined $7,000. She was trying to let her employees and herself make enough money to feed their families.
Warren Norred, Luther’s attorney, said in an interview,
Dallas County Judge Eric Moye, a Democrat, sentenced Luther to jail time for “the actual crime of heresy against the city of Dallas and the oligarchy that decided real criminals could be let out [of jail], but the heretics could go to jail.”
The backlash was severe. After pressure from the governor’s office Luther was released on Wednesday. This was not before a GoFundMe account that was setup for Luther garnered over $300,000 in less than 24 hours. Is possible that the citizenry in this country are upset with how this lockdown and its effects are being handled?
The Democrats will try to extend this lockdown for as long as possible. It is the only way they can win the election in November. It is time for the citizens to tell them “Enough already!”

Hat Tip…CTH