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Last week acting DNI Ric Grenell forced the release by Adam Schiff of the transcripts that Schiff had been refusing to release.  These were transcripts of testimonies given by dozens of witnesses.  These showed that many Democratic TV personalities have lied over and over when on TV broadcasts about elements of the Russian Collusion hoax.

What garnered far less attention at the time was the fact that DNI Grenell delivered a second set of documents to AG Barr on the same day.  At the time no one seemed to know just what was in those documents.

On Monday evening ABC News was reporting that Grenell has declassified a list of former Obama administration officials who were allegedly involved in the “unmasking” of former national security adviser Michael Flynn.  This specifically concerned Flynn’s conversations with Russian ambassador Kislyak during the transition between administrations. According to ABC News, the list was given to AG Barr.

…In 2017, Rep. Devin Nunes — a longtime critic of the Russia investigation — accused the Obama administration of improper unmasking of Trump transition officials after he secretly met with two national security officials at the White House who he said provided him with documents supporting his assertions…

Here’s the problem with this narrative.  It is known via recent document releases that Flynn was the target of an ongoing investigation at the time (by WFO).  Flynn’s name would not need to have been unmasked.

Flynn may have been a target for destruction as soon as he left the Obama administration in 2014.  Other sources are now reporting that the documents contain evidence of spying on Flynn going back to 2014.

If this turns out to be true, then FISA court Judge Rosemary Collyer’s comment about FISA abuse in 2017 will undoubtedly shown to be correct.  At the time, it was noted that 85% of the queries against the NSA data feeds were illegal.  And in her opinion, this had been going on for a long time.

Also, if true, this would explain the rush by the corrupt Senate Intelligence Committee to interview John Radcliffe for permanent DNI.  Grenell is throwing sunlight IED’s everywhere.

It would also give everyone another reason for the obvious nervousness of President
“not a smidgen of corruption” Obama during his “leaked” phone call last week.

Speculation has been that the illegal use of the NSA data feeds started in 2012 right after the IRS scandal was discovered.  It appears that the Obama administration had been using the resources of the government to spy on politicians of both parties.  While Republican candidates for President may have been the target in 2015 and early 2016, it appears that the system for doing so had been in place for some time.  And it was not just politicians that were being surveilled.  Reporters were also on the lists.

Devin Nunes, John Solomon, Sarah Carter, and others early on frequently said that when it all comes out, the American people will be shocked and horrified at how deep this criminality goes.

I think we are getting close to the main show.  And the ringmaster may be US Attorney John Durham.

Tick.  Tock.