Michelle Obama Overshadowed

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On Monday night, while Michelle Obama was disqualifying Joe Biden as a viable candidate for President, Kim Klacik, a Republican candidate for the House, was outdrawing Obama with a campaign walking tour of Baltimore.

In a slick campaign video, Klacik shows the world what 53 years of Democratic leadership has done to the City of Baltimore.

Klacik’s stroll-through ad exposed the devastation in Baltimore and by corollary in many other Democratic-run cities across the country.  The ad apparently attracted more viewers, many more viewers, than Michelle Obama’s highly touted speech to the Democratic National Convention.


Regarding Obama’s performance on Monday, the Post Millenial’s Jeff Ballingall noted,

“By digital metrics, Michelle Obama bombed at the DNC last night. The former first lady was completely outdone by an unknown house candidate, [Kimberly Klacik].  On Facebook, Michelle Obama, despite being promoted by the traditional media giants, couldn’t scratch the virility of Klacik and the new media outlets who pushed her.” 

Just two results populated for Klacik show over 12.5 million views.  Obama tallied just 3 million views over many more different venues.  Even on Twitter Klacik’s video was seen 4.1 million times to just 3 million for the former First Lady’s account.

Klacik points out that Baltimore is one of the five most dangerous cities in the nation. The murder rate is 10 times the U.S. average, and the poverty rate is over 20% while homicide, drug and alcohol deaths are skyrocketing.

Klacik blasted Democratic leadership everywhere.

“It’s not just Baltimore.  The worst place for a black person to live in America is a Democrat-controlled city. It’s 2020, name a blue city where black people’s lives have gotten better. Democrats think black people are stupid. They think they can control us forever, that we won’t demand better, that we’ll keep voting for them, forever, despite what they’ve done to our families and our communities. Are they right?”

This is a campaign video.  But it contains more than just a germ of truth.  The Democrats replaced the old plantation with the inner city to keep blacks enslaved.  The Democrats keep blaming others for the problems endemic within their political fiefdoms.  They do this to keep their residents brainwashed and voting Democratic.  What can one expect from the political party that supported slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow laws?  They have no other way of amassing political power.

Kim Klacik is exposing the Democrats for who they really are.  It’s time to look up and see a better choice.

It’s time for a change.