We Will Mock You

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One of the ways that “woke progressives” try to silence their critics is to shame people into not saying anything.  They accomplish this by making it seem like their critics are racist, sexist, etc., when no such animus exists.  After all, regardless of how morally right one may be, no one wants to be called a racist.

The COVID-19 hoax has been one such avenue of attack for the “woke.”  Now, when I say hoax, I do not mean that the virus is not real nor that the virus cannot be serious for some people.  The hoax is the firestorm of fear that the media and the Democrats have created about just how serious the illness is.

The CDC has published much data on this illness.  The actual risk of a serious illness is less than the flu for everyone under the age of 45.  It only becomes more serious for those over the age of 70 who have underlying infirmities.  Despite this there are significant numbers of people in the under 45 age cohort who are literally terrified of being exposed to the virus.

The video below is an excellent example of agitprop.  It exposes the inherent brainwashing that created this situation by mocking those who have fallen into this trap.

Mock them every chance you get.  The Wuhan Health Organization tee shirt is a brilliant touch!

Any governor, mayor, etc. who is still locking people down should be removed from office.  They do not serve the people they are supposed to represent.

“The devil … that proud spirit … cannot endure to be mocked.” — St. Thomas More