Oregon Governor Caves

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Polling data shows that more and more Americans are getting fed up with the fact that Democratic governors and mayors are doing nothing to stop the violence engulfing our urban centers.  This is translating into declining numbers for Joe Biden in his quest to become the first American President who is not sure what day of the week it is.

The Democrats have utilized the COVID-19 pandemic to hide Biden in his basement.  This has kept him relatively sequestered.  This has reduced the opportunity for Biden’s dementia to be exposed to the American public.  Until last week Biden had made no statement against the mayhem in our cities.

Portland has been a prime example of the violence going on across America.  For three months violence has been a staple of the night time activities in Portland.  It got so bad that PDJT was forced to send in additional federal law enforcement officers to protect federal buildings from the mobs.  The violence around the federal courthouse only abated when federal law enforcement began arresting rioters.  To date more than 70 such arrests have been made.

Did this stop the violence?  No, it didn’t.  The rioters merely shifted to other, softer targets where they knew Portland’s police would not stop them.  The rioters tried to burn down the 3rd Precinct building with officers inside.  This was after they attempted to use quick-dry cement to seal these officers in the building.

None of this would have happened if Portland’s police had not been ordered to stand down.  None of this would have happened if those arrested had not been released without bail.  None of this would have happened if charges had been pursued against these criminals.

On Monday Oregon’s super-liberal governor ordered the Oregon State Police to the streets of Portland.  This occurred in the wake of the targeted hit on a Trump supporter by an Antifa death squad. The governor also claimed to be sending sheriff’s deputies from outlying counties to Portland.

Where was the governor a month ago, two months ago?  Clearly the governor is caving into the declining polling numbers.  If Joe Biden’s numbers were still good, the welfare of Oregon’s citizens would not matter to the governor.

People are fed up with mayhem on the streets.  Their anger and displeasure is with politicians who, as AG Barr noted recently, “have aided and abetted” the rioting that has taken place.  Oregon’s citizens should remember this when the next election rolls around.

The governor has another problem.  While she can order the state troopers into Portland, she has less direct authority over the county sheriffs.  And they have rebelled.  Keep in mind that law enforcement is a brotherhood.  Different departments often lend a hand to other law enforcement organizations when it is needed.

However, this time the sheriffs of two different counties have refused to send their deputies into harm’s way.  And their rationale for not sending deputies hit the nail on the head.  They perceived that their deputies would be props in a Democratic-supported, civil insurrection.  And they made this clear in the statements that they issued.

An excerpt from the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office:

Had Governor Brown discussed her plan with my office, I would have told her it’s about changing policy not adding resources.   Increasing law enforcement resources in Portland will not solve the nightly violence and now, murder.   The only way to make Portland safe again, is to support a policy that holds offenders accountable for their destruction and violence.   That will require the DA to charge offenders appropriately and a decision by the Multnomah County Presiding Judge not to allow offenders released on their own recognizance, and instead require bail with conditions.   The same offenders are arrested night after night, only to be released by the court and not charged with a crime by the DA’s Office.  The next night they are back at it, endangering the lives of law enforcement and the community all over again.

An excerpt from the Washington County Sheriff Pat Garrett:

As Washington County Sheriff, I commit to support PPB through indirect ways, like analyzing risks associated with social media, air support, assisting with a specific criminal investigation, etc. At this time, I do not plan to send deputies to work directly in Portland. PPB is a terrific partner and I am very sympathetic to what they are enduring. However, the lack of political support for public safety, the uncertain legal landscape, the current volatility combined with intense scrutiny on use of force presents an unacceptable risk if deputies were deployed directly. Lastly, I support the steps outlined in the Joint Media Release by the Oregon State Sheriff’s Association and the Oregon Association of Chiefs of Police, and remain committed to work with partners and community leaders towards peace and an end to violence.

The vivid imagery that has shown up night after night of Portland slowly being made unlivable tears at the foundation of law and order everywhere.  Portland has become a war zone.  I agree with the two sheriffs.  It is not an issue of manpower.  It is an issue of accountability.  Start prosecuting those who break the law and the rioting will end.

At this point, by deploying more manpower, the governor is trying to extricate Mayor Wheeler and herself from a mess of their own making.  She is trying to make it seem like the riots were just something too big for the city to contain.  That’s simply not true.  There was a step-by-step escalation to the situation in Portland.  This would have ended a long time ago by simply holding people accountable for their illegal actions.

The Democrats have a problem.  They are caught between the far left who want to destroy the country as it exists and those in their base who would prefer to live in peace.  If they crack down on the rioters, they risk alienating the leftists who hold considerable power within the party.  If they don’t, they risk alienating the common people who just might support Joe Biden.

I am sure the propagandists within the DNC are hard at work trying to find a way to spin this and keep both groups happy.  They are also probably working overtime to figure out a way to blame PDJT