Be Careful What You Pray For

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Sister Dede Byrne, a nun in the Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, gave a speech at the RNC in support of human life.  By using the words in the title of this article early on, she put everyone at ease.

Sister Byrne described her route to where she is today.  This has taken her all over the world serving the call of God.

Sister Dede talked about refugees and their common characteristic, that of being marginalized, feeling powerless and insignificant.  She connected this idea to the largest marginalized group in this country, the unborn.

Abortion is the destruction of life.  It is the butchering of defenseless children as if they have no soul and no worth.  Laws that permit abortion marginalize and demean life itself.

Sister Dede is a warrior in the crusade for life.  She points out that PDJT is the most pro-life President America has ever had.  Sister Dede correctly identifies Biden/Harris as the most anti-life presidential ticket in the country’s history.

We can all pray that, at some time in the future, rational legislators will recognize the sanctity of life and end the disastrous road that Roe vs Wade put us on.

Sister Dede, thank you for having the courage to speak the truth.