Cultural Revolution

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Are the Democrats following the playbook of the Chinese communists?  It certainly seems like that the Democrats are doing many of the same things that happened during Mao’s Cultural Revolution in China.  How many millions of people were killed during that upheaval?

Right now, the mob generates the hatred, foments the idea of racism and bullies people while pretending to be victims or to support some fantasy about making America safe from an out-of-control law enforcement.  This is pure evil at work.  This is a continuing attempt to fundamentally transform America from the land of the free to the home of Marxism.

The mob is working to put in place the kinds of things that oppressed people around the world are working AGAINST.  Just look at Hong Kong for the most obvious example in real time.

This video shows the stark reality that America faces.  The Chinese Communist Cultural Revolution playbook is being followed here.  Antifa and BLM, foot soldiers for the Democratic Party, are executing this strategy now.

“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force”. – Ayn Rand

This is the ultimate outcome if Joe Biden is elected.  We have seen this with the never-ending restrictions put in place for the pandemic.  It was supposed to be for 15 days to flatten the curve.  It’s past 6 months now and the blue state governors, in particular, refuse to allow their citizens to return to the freedoms that we all took for granted.  These include the freedom of association, the free exercise of religion and the freedom to speak our minds without being arrested.

We have seen this in the assassination of people who believe in the country as defined by our founding fathers.  We have seen this in the attempts to maim and otherwise cripple law enforcement officers.  We have seen this in the lecture series that state that hard work, punctuality, diligence are examples of white privilege.

If we want to descend into the hellhole of Marxism and communism, then we need to vote for Joe Biden.  To vote for freedom and liberty, the only vote possible is for PDJT.