Kamala’s Plan For Trump Supporters

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Shocking words were heard at a Democrat fundraiser for criminal justice reform on April 18th from presidential hopeful, Kamala Harris. While giving a speech on the effectiveness of zero punishment prosecutions, she veered off script to talk about impeaching our president and describe in detail one “crime” she would not hesitate to punish, to the absolute delight of the woke progressive crowd.

This is what dictators of third world countries do.  Once they get in power, they are coming for you.  Vengeance will be the order of the day.  The Democrats plan to weaponize all levers of the government against the people.  This will be Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia and Mao’s China all rolled into one.  It seems that Harris has plans to end the rights of Americans who disagree with her.

This is the modern Democratic Party.

1 thought on “Kamala’s Plan For Trump Supporters

  1. David Fuentes

    Ridiculous! Revenge against those who did not support them?! Then to verbalize it?! No respect for anyone or the law!

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