The Perfect Plan

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From someone who I will refer to as “George.”

The perfect plan:

  • Delegitimize the Presidency by claiming with ZERO evidence that Russia helped PDJT win the Presidency.
  • Conduct an investigation with Democratic investigators. Spend tens of millions of dollars.  The only evidence uncovered points to Hillary Clinton.
  • Impeach the President to rile up the base and fail spectacularly.
  • Have every candidate under 70 crash and burn spectacularly, leaving three senior citizens standing by April. Push the party machinery behind the oldest one with the most cognitive decline.
  • Embrace the total lockdown, pray for a 1929 economic landscape.
  • Totally sell the lockdown by foregoing ALL party field operations.
  • Put the dementia sufferer in the basement, isolating totally to protect the candidate AND sell the lockdown.
  • Realize the incumbent is making headway into winning more black votes. Burn down businesses all summer.
  • Rally sports figures to stoke racial division. (With the expectation the old man in the basement can portray himself as a racial healer.)
  • To further sell the economic misery and perhaps generate opportunity for phantom votes, use every legal mechanism to force vote by mail. Hope that the opportunity to cheat exceeds the ballots lost by unionized postal carriers.
  • Pick a veep chiefly on race and gender. Realize she’s as unlikable as the loser to the incumbent the last time around. Put the former prosecutor in witness protection.
  • Realize your candidate is so far gone he can’t even pretend like he’s not using the teleprompter even for small talk. Realize your handlers are so inept, they keep making mistakes with the teleprompter recreating scenes from a Will Farrell movie.
  • Realize that the people who usually shepherd youth vote on campus have been more interested in rioting (and worse) than campaigning. Worse yet, they are so resentful of voters that they chastise diners and shoppers in the bluest of blue neighborhoods.

As “George” notes, he could go on and on.  And keep in mind that the media was just as determined to burn the country down.  The events of Wednesday show just how much the media is in bed with Joe Biden.

The people must send a message on November 3rd that We The People still believe in freedom and liberty.

Then as PDJT said in Florida on Monday,

“We’ll take care of it all after the election. We caught ’em cold. Bad people. Crooked Hillary. And by the way, Obama and Biden knew everything that was happening. We’ll take care of it after the election…”

Think about that statement and what it implies.  There is an awful lot of confidence being displayed.