The Home Stretch

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Sundance over at CTH put out a tremendous piece late last night.  I think it encompasses everything that is true about our Lion, PDJT.  PDJT is a person who knows that not everything will work out as we want it to.  He does not dwell on these things but moves on.

I wrote a piece yesterday about joy and optimism.  This is certainly uniquely Trump.  It is not like anything we have seen recently in Presidential politics.  Sundance has expanded on this in his piece.

I have reproduced the first couple of paragraphs below.  I urge you to read the whole thing.  You will likely not read anything more uplifting today.

Inflection Point – President Trump: “I’ll only say this once”…

Today in Prescott, Arizona, President Trump hit his victory stride for the home-stretch.  Go back and watch the entire rally if needed and you’ll see.

There are moments, inflection points per se’, that are not unique to President Trump but are uniquely President Trump.  We have now entered a very specific phase of the 2020 campaign with a confident, purposeful and focused candidate.  First, watch this:

The rest is here: