Lessons From Trump’s Battle With COVID-19

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As we all know PDJT tested positive for the virus and was admitted to Walter Reed for treatment.  PDJT emerged three days later and has returned to his pre-illness form.  When the man sleeps is anybody’s guess.  Trump is a non-stop dynamo of energy.

But wait!  Isn’t PDJT 74 years old?  Isn’t he overweight?  Isn’t he the model target for this virus?  The answer to all of these questions is a resounding “Yes!”  How in the world did he beat the virus so handily and so quickly?

The media has overlooked the obvious answer and the most important lesson from the President’s battle with the illness…early detection.  This was followed by aggressive treatment.  This was counter to Dr. Fauci’s recommendation to Americans several months ago.  That was to go home without treatment.  According to Dr. Fauci, there was no treatment for this novel illness.  One should only go to the hospital if one got seriously sick.

Fauci’s treatment regimen was a recipe for disaster.  I should know.  A member of my family came down with the disease and did just what Dr. Fauci recommended.  That person was sick for a long time.  Fortunately, a full recovery happened. All of this happened when the information was out there that early aggressive treatment was reducing the illness in most cases to little more than the flu.  Dr. Zelenko in NY was one such physician that followed this protocol.  His results were impressive.

Of course, the President had serious help in his battle.  But the fact is that early treatment is the recommendation of most real physicians.  As Don Surber noted recently,

One of the tools we have — besides some new drugs and employing old ones in new ways — is testing, which saves lives because we can catch the virus before it settles in, gets comfy, and starts killing its host. Viruses ain’t too bright.

Early detection and treatment are something that we have all heard at some time in our lives.  We usually hear it in connection with cancer.  It is the reason why America has the best cancer survival rates in the world.  This is especially true with breast cancer due to the recommended annual mammograms for women.  Will our breast cancer survival rates go down due to Dr. Fauci’s incompetence?  How many women did not get their annual exam because he recommended a lockdown of the country?

For the first time in history, the healthy were told to quarantine themselves.  It didn’t work, the virus still did what it was going to do.  President Trump’s statement upon returning to the White House should resonate with all of us.

“And one thing that’s for certain: Don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re gonna beat it. We have the best medical equipment. We have the best medicines, all developed recently.”

It is time for all lockdowns to end.  It is time for America to go back to being America.