One Man’s Opinion

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This is from someone I will refer to as “Dirk.”

All roads lead to a China. There are too many coincidences, meaning there are none. I’ve been saying this for awhile.

China has a plan and wanted to use the US to achieve their objectives for China 2025 (Global Supremacy) and 2050 (Global Hegemony). The word globalism simply means China’s rise at the expense of the US. 

US corporations and their politicians have bowed to the billions China’s market promises them in exchange for their know how. Politicians are but agents and just like any agent they get their cut when deals are made. China figured out that they could more quickly achieve their objectives through K Street. The K in K street practically means the Key to the USA. China has had that key since its entry into WTO.

Initially, corrupt US politicians sold the public on the idea that engaging in trade with China and bringing them into modernity would benefit US national security and our economy with cheap goods. They supercharged the consumer driven economy which meant big job losses in the Midwest and urban areas for the working class. This led to greater consumer debt levels, greater drug use and an overall economic growth malaise that necessitated increasing government social spending. Wars were launched by the political class as distractions, while they gave away the store for big bucks to China.

I can go on and on, but we know the effects and it’s why the American people turned to President Trump an outsider. But little did we know the extent of Chinese infiltration and exfiltration of our nation until we’ve witnessed everything that has happened these past 4 years from the corruption of the intelligence agencies, the justice system, the judicial system, congressional committees, the media, and Big Tech!

Trump beating China on Phase 1 trade deal prompted China’s release of the China virus, a biological attack on the West. China had a plan for 2025 to get to global supremacy where they surpass the US in technology and global economic influence. This then would feed their goal of achieving global hegemony on 2050 which is when they anticipate having a military that would be large enough to deter even the US military from any activity the Chinese wish to undertake such as annexing Taiwan or overrunning South Korea.

China is heavily invested in the defeat of Trump. They have their handpicked candidate in Biden. They have a pliable political class in the UniParty. They have Hollywood, Silicon Valley and Wall Street that have already sold out to them. They already favor the Chinese market over the US market. The Key is the presidency because the President signs all the checks. They don’t have the Presidency and we better make sure they don’t with Joe Biden! 

If we lose this election, I fear our nation will be lost. We have to allow Trump to finish the job. He’s the only one who understands the extent of this deception and corruption. He’s the only one with the courage to take it down and expose it for the American people can see. He’s the only one who can decouple from China and elevate democratic states such as Mexico, Brazil and India as market alternatives for our corporations. He’s the only one who will get our military and alliances focused on the true evil that is the Chinese Communist Party. We need to let this man finish the job! Get out the vote!!

Amen!  Let us take back our country!