One Priest’s Opinion About The Abyss We Face

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This is a must-see homily from Fr. Edward Meeks delivered at Christ the King parish in Towson, MD on 10/11/2020.  Fr. Meeks talks about the abyss that we face here in America with this election.  Fr. Meeks makes it clear that his first allegiance is not to any political candidate or party but rather to the word of God.

Fr. Meeks talks about the viciousness that pervades our society particularly on social media as well as in many of our urban centers this summer.  He notes that we are first Christians and second Americans.  Fr. Meeks calls on Christians to confront the evil that has taken over our culture.

As I have stated many times, Christianity is at risk in this country.  Fr. Meeks acknowledges the powerful forces within government, the media and Silicon Valley that are trying to silence the Church through whatever means are at hand.

Fr. Meeks talks about the foundational issues that should prioritize our thinking in making choices when we vote.  This prioritization should acknowledge reasonable differences of opinion on a variety of matters.  However, he notes certain issues that provide no wiggle room because they touch on the basic ideas of good and evil.  Among these are the sanctity of life from conception to a natural death as well as the preservation of religious liberty.

Fr. Meeks calls out Catholic Joe Biden and the Democratic Party for their opposition to these values.  He discusses five ways that Joe Biden and the Democrats oppose the teachings of the Church.

First, Biden and the Democrats are pro-abortion.  This is a violation of the sanctity of life espoused by the Church.  Fr. Meeks enumerated the many ways that Joe Biden has violated the Church teachings on the sanctity of life.  He noted that the Democrats have become the Party of Death.

Second, the sanctity of marriage being between a man and a woman.  Fr. Meeks listed the multiple ways in which Biden has violated Church teachings.

Third, Fr. Meeks espoused that a Biden presidency would be a danger to our dwindling religious freedoms.  He talked about Biden and the Democrats trying to end religious exemptions to acts considered as morally wrong.  He pointed out the attempts (and there have been many) to deny parentless children with loving families because they believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.  Fr. Meeks touched on Obamacare, the Little Sisters of the Poor and other ways Joe Biden has compromised his faith.  Biden is on record as saying that he would close churches if the science demanded it due to pandemic considerations.

Fourth, although Joe Biden rejects the label of “Socialist,” the programs he proposes would quickly transform the country into a socialist one.  Biden’s silence on the murder and mayhem inflicted on our urban centers for months indicates his approval of the mob rule that is endemic with socialism.  Socialism has consistently seen Christians and particularly the Catholic Church as enemies to be destroyed.  Socialists cannot allow anything to interfere with total control over the populace.

Fr. Meeks noted,

“Socialism is a soul-robbing ideology that always and inevitably leads to totalitarianism.“

Fifth, Biden, as a high-profile Catholic, serves to undermine the faith of Catholics.  Fr. Meeks eviscerates Biden’s campaign ads that depict him as a devout Catholic.  He highlights Kamala Harris’ attempt to call the Knights of Columbus an extremist group.  Fr. Meeks calls out the hypocrisy of the media praising Biden and demonizing Amy Coney Barrett.

Meeks called out the idea that abortion isn’t that bad. 61 million babies murdered in the womb, including 23 million black babies. Abortion is the pre-eminent moral issue of our time.  Government’s most important responsibility is the right to life.  Fr. Meeks went to say that abortion is the primary cause and primary symptom of a society in a downward death spiral. Enough is enough.

Bishop Fulton J. Sheeen said almost 60 years ago.

”A nation always gets the kind of politicians it deserves.  If a time ever comes when the religious views of Jews, Protestants and Catholics ever have to suffer under a totalitarian state that denies them the right to worship God according to the light of their conscience, it will be because for years they thought it made no difference the kind of people who represented them and because they abandoned the spiritual in the realm of the temporal.”

We are in a battle for the soul of our beloved nation.  Get out and vote.