It Ain’t Over!

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It has been a few days since I have actually written a new post.  I have been trying to rationally and objectively evaluate what I was seeing with my own eyes.  And what I was seeing was making me physically sick to my stomach.

I have been a staunch believer in the uniqueness and exceptionalism of America.  I fervently believe in our ability to be a “shining city on the hill.”  We have been that.  If we rise up as true Americans and call out the absolute corruption that has been displayed in this election cycle vote counting, I believe we can once again be that beacon of liberty on the hill.

I will touch on different ideas this week in connection with the election.

First and foremost, many of us, myself included, have been despondent over what we are seeing.  There is tremendous pressure being put on the populace by the MSM and social media to accept Joe Biden as having won the election.  The narrative that the media are attempting to sell is that the 78-year-old, early-dementia former V.P., who could not draw a crowd larger than a dozen, just beat PDJT in a fair election.  There is a reason for this.

If they succeed in browbeating us into submission, we will have lost any chance at free and fair elections in the future.  At times the weight feels very heavy.  When it does, push back.

Remember you are not alone!  You can make a profound difference!  Do not cave into them!

There are more than 70 million other people in this country who are with you.  And this says nothing about the millions of people around the world who love our President.

Let’s look at some places for some positive info that no MSM outlet will ever publish.  Despite the attempt by Big Tech to squelch ideas they do not agree with, the internet has allowed more and more different ways for information to sprout up.  It has allowed the exchange of information at speeds never dreamed of before.  And there are millions of people with time to delve into public records and uncover evidence that would have easily remained hidden in the past.  Do it if you can.

Jay Valentine, a writer for AT, has a statistical degree and he has crunched some numbers.  Depending on which election results service one looks at, Biden has anywhere from 279 to 290 electoral college votes.  If there are legitimate problems with certain results in certain states, that would affect that count.

Let’s look at Pennsylvania.  Valentine has Biden at 290 for purposes of this discussion.  Valentine notes:

I read the Justice Alito opinion, and it is pretty clear that he wants the after election night at 8:00 P.M. votes separated for a reason.  Biden is going to lose at the Supreme Court, and they know it.  Four justices already said the Pennsylvania Supreme Court cannot adjust voting rules.   A new arrival, Justice Barrett, says she is there to apply the rules in the Constitution.  OK, wanna bet she does?

Remove the after 8:00 P.M. ballots, and Biden loses Pennsylvania.  Biden 270.

I concur with Jay Valentine’s opinion.  Remember this case is still an open case since there was a tie vote.  So, this case can come back for additional hearings and review.  I think it will.

Of course, 270 is just enough to win.  So, where else might there be problems with the Biden vote?

Valentine goes onto talk about Nevada next.

Let’s visit Nevada.  I have lots of friends in California who have condos in Nevada to evade state taxes.  There are not a couple of people doing this; there are tens of thousands.  Everyone knows it, and California seeks them out.

Our old pal Harry Reid knows it as well, and he apparently has them voting in droves in this election.  Probably not a big D.J. constituency.  Within 72 hours of the election, the Trump team found, validated over 3,500 of them.  I do not suspect that Trump’s people stopped counting.

Every one of these is a ballot reduction for Biden

Nevada, as of now, is well within reach for DJ and the Trump team — particularly when the California crowd is reduced.

Without Nevada, Biden does not have enough votes to win.  But, as Valentine notes, it gets better.  Wisconsin is next up.

Right now, it is 20,000 votes in Uncle Joe’s direction.  Lots of stories out there, well below the Google fold, that there are way more Wisconsin votes than there are registered voters.  OK, maybe the dead can vote up there — probably a Midwest thing.

Well, last night, we found that Wisconsin election clerks were told, and followed the direction, to modify mail-in ballots and fill in the blanks where witnesses left out critical info.

I am sure it was just a good customer service thing and they meant no harm.  The problem is every such ballot is now toast.

There were “thousands” of such prima facie wrongful votes.  Oops.  Biden up 20,000 — now that number is in question.

Of course, this is a legal opinion.  However, it is given by retired Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman.  Gableman said:

“The statute is very, very clear.  If an absentee ballot does not have a witness address on it, it’s not valid. That ballot is not valid.”

Remember the first point.  Some wards were actually reporting vote counts that exceeded the number of people registered to vote by an order of magnitude.

Then there is Michigan.  I may do a separate post on software glitches but for the moment let it suffice that the same software is used in all the counties in Michigan.

Valentine notes,

Oh, yes, the land of the “glitches” in the voting machines.  Six thousand votes for Trump given to Biden in one of 47 counties where that software is used.  About 150,000 votes in Biden’s favor right now.  

Every single one of these counties need to be verified.  Remember this was an automated process.  How many more glitches will be uncovered?  And has anyone found a “glitch” that went in favor of a Republican?

Of course, Michigan was the state where after vote counting had stopped and before poll watchers had returned, suddenly they “found” 138K thousand votes for Biden.

It ain’t over by a long shot.  And we have a President who has fought for us from day one.  He will continue to fight.  Some ideas on how to help him will be tomorrow’s post.


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