Thoughts Through An Idle Mind

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The only thing that has gotten worse since PDJT became President are the Democrats


The Justice Department’s top election crimes prosecutor resigned Monday in protest after Attorney General William Barr told federal prosecutors that they should examine allegations of voting irregularities before states move to certify results in the coming weeks.  I imagine that having to actually work for a living must have scared the bejeezus out of Pilger.  Oh, although he “resigned,” he still has a job elsewhere in the DOJ.  Really?  Really!  Only in government work can you quit and remain employed.


Tom Tillis (R) won re-election in NC.  The star-crossed Cal Cunningham conceded.  That gives the GOP 50 seats in the Senate.  The Dems have 46 along with two independents who caucus with them.  The two Georgia seats will have runoff elections in January.


BLM has done more to promote racism in the past 3 months than all the Confederate Memorials in the past 100 years.


Time travel is possible.  The recent election in Pennsylvania has proven this.  It’s the only explanation according to main stream consciousness. More than 23,000 absentee ballots have a return date earlier than the sent date.


Is NJ taxing their Wall Street operations out of the state?  Most data processing operations for Wall Street currently take place in NJ.  With NJ planning to squeeze more money out of these operations, Nasdaq will meet with Texas’ governor Abbott about moving to Texas.  The climate, business and otherwise, is nicer there.  Texas has no state income tax.  NY’s tops out at 8.82% while NJ’s hits 10.75%.


Some interesting detective work into vote reporting is showing that in multiple states adding votes to the total count resulted in a reduction of PDJT’s vote totals.  The person who has done the work has published all his sources as well as the script he used for analysis. One of his sources was the NYTimes.   I need to dive into this a little further but the work appears to be on solid ground.  One result of this is to strongly suggest that PDJT may have won Virginia!  This has nothing to do with the mountains of illegal ballots that showed up in some states.