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In the aftermath of the election, stories of voter/election fraud have sprouted like dandelions in the springtime.  The approach by the media and the Democrats initially was to dismiss such stories.  Oh, they said, there really wasn’t anything to see.  The idea of such fraud was just a conspiracy theory by PDJT and his supporters who were just sore losers.

However, with affidavits sworn under penalties of perjury totaling in the thousands, the media has reluctantly acknowledged that some fraud may have occurred.  The media are trying to downplay such stories by saying that such fraud is present in all elections.  A few “misguided” individuals may have done a bit here or there.  However, such activities are very minor and had no impact on the bigger picture of the election.

This idea is “BS!”  This election fraud story will be the source of hundreds if not thousands of articles in the very near future across the country.  The fact of Trump’s coattails carrying hundreds of Republicans to victory across the country is a solid fact.  Meanwhile, the Democrats and their allies in the media continue to try to keep a lid on a pot that is boiling over.

Sidney Powell, who is widely respected and who has very ably defended Michael Flynn, has joined President Trump’s legal team. Sunday morning, she appeared on Maria Bartiromo’s Fox News program, where she alleged that the Trump campaign has evidence of massive election fraud involving the Dominion voting system and its SmartMatic software–fraud that swung the vote count to Biden.

Anybody who doubts Sidney Powell’s sincerity or her ability to produce results against nearly insurmountable odds has not been paying attention. She took a Flynn “slam dunk” conviction and turned it upside down despite a withering barrage of media and political shrapnel.

Powell states that PDJT won the election by millions of votes.  She states she never says anything that she cannot prove.  She hides her hand but allows a peak at some of the things that she knows.

Ruby Giuliani was also on and he also gave a peak.  See the partial transcript:

MARIA: One source says that the key point to understand is that the Smartmatic system has a backdoor that allows the votes to be mirrored and monitored, allowing an intervening party a real time understanding of how many votes will be needed to gain an electoral advantage. Are you saying that the states that use that software did that?

RUDY: Well, I know, I can PROVE, that they did it in Michigan. I can prove it with witnesses. We’re investigating the rest. …

Number two, they didn’t allow Republicans in key places to observe the mail vote. That makes the mail vote completely invalid. Now, they didn’t do it everywhere. They did it in big cities where they have corrupt machines where they’ll protect them. Meaning: in Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. In Detroit. … They did it absolutely in Phoenix, Arizona. They did it absolutely in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Republicans were shut out from enough of the count so they could accomplish what Smartmatic wanted to do. And that pattern that you have there [of states that shut down vote counting], we have evidence that that’s the same pattern that Smartmatic used in other elections in which they were disqualified. In other words, this is their pattern of activity. And, yes, there IS a back door, and we actually have proof of some of the connections to it. Right now our cases are the most developed in Pennsylvania and in Michigan. …

MARIA: Do you have the Dominion hardware in your possession? [RUDY laughs.] Do you have that hardware in your possession to prove it? Can you prove the case without the hardware or without the software?

RUDY: [Begins by saying he has people who can DESCRIBE the hardware and software, its design, features, and so forth–whose identities he can’t reveal.] And then we have proof that I can’t disclose yet. … And it was done deliberately. The fact that it was done in all those states tells you it was a plan. The crooked Democrat leaders in those ten or twelve places where we were shut out didn’t all develop that idea by themselves. Right? They didn’t have the same dream that night. ‘Cause it was a plan. …

Sydney Powell later on laid out more information.  She didn’t pull any punches.  They have identified the algorithm used to switch the votes and have a key witness so there is a solid case proving fraud.

It’s massive criminal voter fraud, writ large–across at least 29 states, it could’ve been happening. Anytime a voting machine was connected to the internet–and we have evidence that many were–it was obviously happening. It’s obvious from the algorithm and the statistics that our experts are tracking out, where batches of votes and when the curves changed. And it’s going to blow the mind of everyone in this country when we get it all together and can explain it with the affidavits and the experts that have come forward.

Barr has unleashed the US Attorneys to investigate allegations of election fraud.  The Democrats are desperate to stop this by any means possible.  They are once again trying to use COVID-19 to distract the public from what is going on.  The MSM is running stories about COVID-19 being out of control and that the country must be locked down.  This si all being done with the idea of stopping the investigation.

It is hard to see just what the outcome of all this will be.  If specific election results are invalidated, then it may be that neither candidate can get the required 270 electoral votes.  In that case the election would head to the House of Representatives.  Each state gets one vote.  Currently the Republicans control 26 state delegations, perhaps 27.   If this happens, it will be the third time in our history that such an event has occurred.

And it should mean four more years of President Donald J Trump!