The Evidence Mounts

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While the media continue to cry that “no evidence exists,” that the President is speaking without any evidence to back up what he is claiming about fraud, the real evidence continues to pile up around the country.

One such piece of evidence is stunning CCTV video footage of State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia.  It shows that, after poll monitors and media were told counting was done, four workers stayed behind to count mystery ballots. In the video the workers are seen pulling out suitcases containing ballots from underneath a table.  It certainly appears that the table was set up to hide the suitcases of ballots.

This is about as concrete as it gets. This is video evidence.  We already knew there around 95k Biden only ballots in GA, and that they were largely processed with no observers during the phony counting pause.

Just how many locations and how many suitcases were there?  This appears to be a classic ballot stuffing operation that was prepared ahead of time.  Some of the ballots appeared to be sent through the scanner several times.  That would make all of this criminal fraud.  What is needed is a full forensic audit of the ballot count.

The governor realizes that the building is collapsing around him.

Will this be the crack in the dam that releases the flood?

Let’s think about discovery in this legal process.  If a criminal fraud investigation ensues, just how far back will the investigation go?  Just how many of our elite politicians have been engaging in this kind of corrupt activity?

Dwayne over at CTH had an interesting thought:

Hunter’s laptop has been in the possession of the FBI for a year. We all know what’s on it- Big Guy gettin paid, Hunter and his niece, Hunter and other underage girls, other proof of back door deals. Who knows what else? Suddenly it shows up in a shop in DE. Some of those back door deals are with the exact same countries Dominion servers were communicating with based on the AZ testimony 

Now here we are today with what we know about the fraud (most here have been following the testimony, I am not listing it out). All evidence being presented and released in a strategic manner by the combination on two fronts to tell a story: 

  1. The typical on the ground domestic fraud tactics of the past, Guiliani and Ellis, and 
  2. the international/electronic fraud via Powell and Wood. 

Hunter’s laptop had the whole plan, scheme, who is helping, etc. about how Joe “Big Guy” Biden would be assured to win the Presidency. I am sure Eric Croomer’s could be found on it as well- emails, texts, video, and photos even. I am sure there are similar pieces of evidnce regarding the play for pay schemes with the foreign players. Think about it Hunter kept videos of he and his niece, underage Russian, and Chinese prostitutes (remember Lin Wood mentioned pedophilia) on it. He is dumb enough to keep the plans on it.

Fanciful?  Yes.  But there is a certain connectivity to the idea.

Keep in mind that PDJT said they had caught them all.  Giuliani kept talking about all the things they had but there seemed to be some slow walking of just what was on the laptop.

What will evidence will show up on Friday?