COVID Leverage

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Yesterday I talked about the fraud that is lockdowns and mask mandates.  Lockdowns and mask mandates were supposedly to stop “super-spreader” events from occurring due to asymptomatic people spreading COVID like wildfire across the countryside.  That was a fraud perpetrated on the public.  If it was true, big box retailers like Costco, Walmart, etc., would have had massive employee infection rates based on the number of people going in and out of their stores.  They didn’t.  It would have been impossible to keep checkout positions staffed.  It wasn’t.

John Waters, an Irishman, a true believer in the individual, speaks out against the idea of wearing a mask.

The MSM and the Democrats are engaging in psyops operations against the common man.  They want to suppress individualism.  They cannot control individualism so it must be stamped out.  Masks are a way of accomplishing this.  Masks take away individualism.  They want us to stay at home and not participate in capitalism.  They want us to be dependent on the government so that we will do what the government tells us to do.

Vaccines are part and parcel of this attempt take away our liberties.  They want to require “proof of vaccination” if we want to mingle with ordinary people.  This is slow and methodical brainwashing.  It is about the diminishing the individual; to make way for the “collective”. Centralized planning and control is their plan.  Submit to their demands or be ostracized from society.

Many people have already accepted that a mask is some magic wand that will save humanity.  Not true.  85% of all COVID cases occur in people who wore a mask all or almost all the time.  Not only that but more and more cases of pneumonia are being traced back to the wearing of masks.  People are re-breathing the source of pneumonia until it can take hold in their body.

And what has happened to the flu?  The flu is not showing up anywhere.  Did COVID kill the flu?  Or is it that they get more money for a COVID diagnosis than a flu diagnosis?

Click here to take a closer look at COVID deaths.

And it is not just the flu that has diminished dramatically since COVID arrived.  Deaths from all causes has gone down.  All except COVID that is.  The increase in deaths due to COVID is almost exactly offset by the decrease in all other causes.  In other words despite the daily screeching by the MSM, Dr. Fauci, et al, COVID-19 has had relatively no effect on the total number of deaths in the country.  The idea that COVID is some kind of disease that is winnowing out the population of the earth is a fraud.

So why does the left stick with shutdowns and mask mandates?  After all, aren’t the shutdowns destroying small business?  Of course, they are.  That’s part of the plan.  The communists are consolidating their power over the people. We will continue to be the recipients of fear porn from the media.  They will try to cow us into submitting to the loss of our liberties over a virus that is no worse than the flu.

This is a well-worn version of the communist plan.  A little history is in order.

A hundred years ago the Bolsheviks took over Russia.  They killed anyone who disagreed with them.  When the common people rebelled, the Red Army took all the grain and foodstuffs from the peasants.  Famine ensued.

As Richard Rail noted,

A few years on, Lenin, seeing that something had to be done, declared his NEP (New Economic Policy), which allowed limited capitalism.  The economy roared back, led by the so-called kulaks, the ablest peasants who knew how to run farms successfully and who prospered when turned loose.  Stalin would consider them traitors to the revolution for not giving it their literal all.  His revenge would be savage.

In 1929, Stalin went after the kulaks in his first five-year plan.  He instituted a policy of dekulakization to get rid of these people, who had provided not only food, but also jobs for millions.  Stalin collectivized them out of existence.  The kulaks themselves would be shot, either in the countryside where they lived or following show trials to make the point publicly that collectivization was not optional.

Private ownership disappeared.  Equipment now belonged to the collective.  Nobody took care of anything because, in the nature of commonly owned anything, it wasn’t his.  Shiny new tractors and combines and threshing machines broke down from lack of maintenance.  Predictably, the economy stalled, and the country starved.  Millions died.

Look at America today.  In 2015 the next to last year of the Obama administration, more businesses died than came into being.  Along came PDJT who unleashed the creative potential of the small business person.  The economy roared.

Then along came COVID and the Democratic governors saw an opportunity to shut down small businesses.  And they did.  They did it on a whim.  They did not do it to save America.  They did it to try to win an election.

Now they want to keep them shut down.  They cannot afford to have independent-minded people, men and women, making something out of nothing.  Such people are a danger to the mass collectivization of America.  They want the one-party rule that they thought would happen in 2016.  They have cheated on a massive scale to try to make this happen in 2020.

Will what happened in Russia a hundred years ago happen here?  Well, they are not lining people up to be shot by a firing squad…yet!  However, prominent Democrats are calling for re-education camps for Trump supporters and those who worked within the Trump administration.  This is just like they did in Russia.  It is just like what the Chinese are doing today in China.

If the Democrats actually return to power, we can kiss our country goodbye.

1 thought on “COVID Leverage

  1. David Fuentes

    Just wait until the democrats get control. National mask mandate(unconstitutional), stay at home orders and free money to do so. My worse fears are becoming a reality, and to think i was once a democrat . Makes me want to puke! What happened to the land of the free?!

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