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Back in 1941, President Roosevelt roared that December 7, 1941 was a date that would live in infamy.  On December 7, 1941, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.  This cemented our entry into World War II.

Yesterday, January 20, 2021 is truly a day that will live in infamy.  This is destined to be seen as one of the darkest days in our history.  Massive fraud and corruption elevated a spineless, corrupt, senile old man to be President of the United States.  On this date, for the first time, an illegitimate President was sworn into the office.  Evil has taken over the government of the United States of America.

Echoing FDR, always will our nation remember the character of the onslaught against us.  The facts of yesterday speak for themselves.  We The People are no longer in charge of our government.  We The People are no longer in charge of our country.  In order to pull off this charade, they had to bring 25,000 troops into the DC to protect the illegitimacy of China Joe’s coronation.

The world is laughing at America today.  The UniParty (Dems and Repubs alike) and the MSM are laughing at Americans today.  We have become another banana republic where corruption is king.

They believe that, just like the Capitol people of Panem in the Hunger Games trilogy, there is nothing the common people can do to change that.  They believe that they now control all the levers to keep themselves in power in perpetuity.  They believe that, in a few weeks, most Americans will forget about the massive crimes that brought China Joe into the White House.  They believe, just as Joseph Stalin did, that they can buy off Americans with a few scraps of paper deposited into their accounts from time to time.

Hat Tip…RM

I do not believe that they are right.  Just as in the Hunger Games, I believe that there are a significant number of Americans who will not forget, who will not cave into the depredations of those who now control the levers of government.

I believe that a majority of Americans abhor the evil of child trafficking, the murder of unborn babies and the growing desensitization to real life violence.  I believe that many Americans are truly beginning to recognize the fascist-minded, totalitarian state that America is becoming.

More and more people recognize the Cancel Culture as an evil manifestation of those who now run our government.  Just as in any totalitarian state, no one whose thoughts are in opposition to the government is safe.  Antifa, BLM and the Boogaloo Boys are far left organizations who act as foot soldiers for the oligarchs who run the country.  They will not stop until they have “cleansed” the country of those who have different ideas.

What can we who believe in individual liberty and freedom do?  I believe we need to look at economics as a way to fight back against these people.  If we target companies who support this kind of corruption, we can begin to have an impact. Twitter is hemorrhaging users.  Let us support this effort.  This will ultimately lower the value of the company to its shareholders.  The same can be done to other companies.

I long ago stopped using Google as my search engine.  If more and more people switch over to something like DuckDuckGo, we can begin to drain the money that fuels this takedown of our country.  This can be done to other social media companies who want to rule the world.

However, just as in WW II and in the Hunger Games, it will not be quick.  This will be a long campaign.  We need to find and back people who believe in the founding values of our country.  We need to insert these people into the appropriate places.  Hopefully former President Trump can help with this.

In the meantime, keep your powder dry.