The Reichstag Fire Of The Democrats

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This seems to be my week for visiting historical parallels.  Daniel Greenfield has written an article for Frontpage Mag that does an excellent job of drawing parallels between the current actions of the Democratic Party and their allies and totalitarian governments of the past.  I will be drawing liberally from the article.

You can read the entire article here.

Of course, historical parallels need not be controlling of future events.   But, there is danger in failing to learn from the lessons of history. It is best to be prepared.  The lessons that we derive from historical events is a highly recommended first step in that preparation.

While walls, razor wire, and military encampments rise outside the halls of government, inside them the Democrats have unleashed a true coup. Protesters have “stormed” Congress before, from both the Left and the Right, which cannot be called overthrowing the government. But Democrats began their own overthrow by launching an unconstitutional post-office impeachment of President Trump for speaking at a peaceful protest and a push to remove Senate members who objected to the stolen election by abusing the 14th Amendment.

The fake emergency has been extended to March. The FBI continues falsely claiming that there is some sort of threat that requires 7,500 soldiers to conduct a military occupation of the nation’s capital. The FBI’s claims that this threat would occur during “First Amendment-protected protests” has a massive credibility problem because there have been no protests in D.C.

This entire charade is designed to deflect attention from what the UniParty is doing with the levers of government.  The avatar who is occupying the White House is signing Executive Orders at a phenomenal pace that are designed to transform the country from one of freedom and liberty to one where the government tells you what you can and cannot think.  If you are a conservative, they are coming for you and it does not matter where you live or what job you may have.

The fascist theater of the military occupation is a pretext for a political occupation with Democrats inciting political purges in legislatures, both state and national, of any Republicans who criticised the stolen election and called for accountability on behalf of the voters. A purge is also underway of the military and law enforcement to root out “extremists” from the same forces that the Democrats have deployed to intimidate Americans and suppress political dissent.

The Biden administration has publicly announced that they will purge the military of “extremists”.  There is no definition of extremist.  They mean Trump supporters.  They mean people who believe in the Bill of Rights.  They mean conservatives.  Think about what that means.  An extremist will be anyone who does not toe the policy line put forth by the Uniparty.  The military will be run by partisan hacks.

This is happening in America.

There are plenty of precedents for a political faction declaring a false state of emergency, occupying the center of government, and unleashing a campaign of political repression.

In 1933, the Nazis used the Reichstag fire to begin purging the political opposition. The fire in the German parliament building was exploited by the Nazis to seize control and purge the opposition, beginning with the Communists, and then moving on to everyone else.

A year later the Communists imitated their National Socialist comrades with the Kirov assassination. The Reichstag Fire Decree and the Great Purge both blamed the inciting incidents on the political opposition and used them as a pretext for an emergency, for endless investigations, and for criminalizing dissent against two formerly weak leaders: Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

Has America ever had a weaker leader than Joe Biden?  The Democrats are trying desperately to criminalize any dissent about how he achieved the White House.  They characterize such dissent as sedition.  They have tried to use the 14thAmendment as a lever to rid themselves of opposition members who speak out.  Free speech is no longer permitted.

The Reichstag fire was used to suppress the authority, independence, and democracy of the Weimar Republic’s legislature in the name of protecting it from assault. The Nazis dismantled the Reichstag’s ability to meaningfully govern, purged dissenting parties, and gave the National Socialist movement and its officials complete control over Germany at every level of power.

The Kirov assassination eliminated Stalin’s greatest rival, and was then used by the Communist dictator to purge all his remaining rivals in a systematic process of trials and executions. Rivals were forced to accept “moral responsibility” for Kirov’s death in an ominous parallel to the way that Republicans are told to accept moral responsibility for a “coup” invented by the media.

The Democrats manufactured a permanent state of emergency and blamed its existence on their political opponents. That emergency has as little reality as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez who claimed that she was nearly murdered while being in an entirely different building. But the political terror and the purges being pushed in the name of that emergency are all too real.

The Biden administration is now threatening to control all movement between the states.  They have specifically talked about controlling movement in and out of Florida.  They are using the public health emergency hoax as their way to do this.  Buttigieg has talked about requiring proof of a COVID test to get on an airliners in this country.

Once the COVID “emergency” has outlived its usefulness, some other emergency will be found to control the public. I would not be surprised to see climate change morph into a public health emergency requiring suspension of basic liberties.

Like their National Socialist and Communist ideological forebears, the Fascist Left has spent the past four years inventing new and undefined political crimes, beginning with “disinformation” and escalating to “incitement” and “sedition”, which lack any resemblance to normative legal usage.

Nothing in President Trump’s speech could be described as a call to violence. Nor can anything that Senator Ted Cruz or any other Senate Republican said be described as incitement or sedition. President Trump and Senate Republicans were far more careful in their words about the stolen election of 2020 than the Democrats were in falsely claiming that the 2016 election was stolen. (Not to mention the 2000 and 2004 elections which they had challenged.)

I was there.  I agree.  Nothing that PDJT said was a call to violence.  Just the opposite was true.  PDJT specifically called for peaceful protests, for letting our elected representatives know that we did not agree with a stolen election.

The invention of undefined political crimes parallels Stalin’s use of “socially dangerous” to convict, try, and execute political opponents without ever defining a clear legal meaning.

But it had an obvious political meaning.

The Democrat uses of “incitement” and “sedition” are political crimes that mean opposing them. That’s why it was patriotic of them to question every single election won by a Republican in this century, but why it’s “seditious” of Republicans to question the 2020 election. “Incitement” is a Stalinist formulation which invents a political crime and then connects all political opposition to it.

“Disinformation” means any information or opinion whose distribution the Democrats oppose.

This warping of the language serves a useful purpose for the Left.  It helps them to infest the minds of ordinary, everyday Americans with concepts of criminality that just are not true.  However, when they are repeated over and over, eventually people come to think of these things as being criminal.  How many young people today believe that speech must be controlled, that certain speech is hateful and should be criminalized?  We have seen this kind of criminalization take place in other countries.  How long will it be before the Left passes such laws here?

The Biden purges have their origins in the FDR administration’s attempt to criminalize political dissent using false claims of a secret shadow conspiracy of industrialists against the New Deal, all the way up to more recent efforts by the Clinton administration to link the militia movement to “right-wing talk radio” to create a political boogeyman, and Obama’s criminalization of the Tea Party as a dangerous and violent movement that was about to usher in a new civil war.

The profiling of military veterans, the suppression of conservative political speech, and the invention of political crimes were rampant under Clinton and Obama. Now they’re back.

The Obama administration had already abused national security tools to spy on its political opponents, from the Trump campaign to pro-Israel activists, by inventing yet another set of political crimes that harkened back to the Hitler and Stalin era, and accusing them of conspiring with foreign powers. The Biden administration is now preparing to step up the same campaign under the guise of fighting sedition. After being part of an administration which abused the National Security Council to target Republicans over accusations of foreign contacts, Biden will use the NSC to combat “domestic extremism”. The pretexts for the emergency justifying domestic repression continue to change, but the repression remains entirely consistent.

And repression it is.  The Left will support the Cancel Culture as a way to suppress any dissent to their policies.  If you play nice and bow down to these totalitarians, they will throw you a few scraps every once in a while to keep you docile and obedient to the government wishes.

Keep in mind this is just the beginning.  It will only get worse from here.  The Democrats intend to turn America into a one-party state.  There might be two parties in name but there will really be only one party, the Uniparty, in power.  And they will not be answerable to the people.

We know what happened in Russia under Stalin and in Germany under Hitler.  It is time to let the political elites know that we will not let that happen here.  It is time to take back our country.