Democrats’ Gas Price Increases Vaporize Stimulus Checks

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Most of the country has already seen increases in the price of gasoline that are closing in on $1/gallon.  This is a direct result of White House Executive Orders that clearly violate federal law.  These orders have stopped the leasing of Federal land and sea areas for energy production.  Multiple state AG’s have filed lawsuits challenging the legality of these orders.

The increase in energy pricing, be it oil or natural gas, will more than wipe out the $1400 stimulus check that the government is sending out.  There is the direct cost of operating one’s vehicle.  Then there are the indirect costs. Specifically, these include things like transportation costs to bring goods to market.  Increased costs for deliveries to one’s home.  Of course, airline ticket costs will have to increase.  How about heating one’s home?  That’s another area that will see increases.  Then there is the cost of electricity.  Much of electric generation in the US is from the burning of natural gas.  The cost of that will go up.

Who gets hit the most?  The middle class, of course.  Once again the Democrats are trying to reduce the number of people in the middle class.  The goal is not to be fair but to impoverish as many people as possible.  Utility boards are already warning of significant price increases coming down the road from the idiotic energy policies of this administration.

They want more people to be dependent on the government.  When they are dependent, they are easier to control. Pete Buttigieg wants to tax the middle class even more with a mileage tax on their use of autos.  This would be on top of the current federal gasoline tax already in place.  Let’s remember Biden’s promise to raise taxes only on those making $400k.  That idea has long since been abandoned.

What will be the effect of rising energy prices?  Some people will have to declare bankruptcy.  Many people moved out of metro areas because of the riots during the summer.  They moved to the suburbs and rural areas.  Some of them are undoubtedly stretched trying to make their house payments.

How many people will die because they cannot heat their homes?

All of this ignores the fact that there are many items that are made from fossil fuels.  The industrial era is not possible without massive energy usage. Take away fossil fuels, and you are left with nuclear for its energy value, but you still haven’t made up for the raw materials derived from petroleum.

Get ready for a rough ride if they actually pass this boondoggle of legislation.