COVID Fear Slipping Away

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With more and more states dropping mask mandates and other mitigation measures, it is clear that the American public is becoming less and less fearful about the COVID scam.  That is not to say that the virus is a hoax.  It is real.  However, it is no more dangerous than the flu.  And more and more of the public are freeing themselves from the Big Lie that is the COVID scam.

This creates a problem for the Democratic administration that wants the country to be dependent upon the government for their very existence.  Self-reliant people are less likely to kowtow to demands and edicts from the government especially those which abrogate the very liberties that the country was founded on.

The Democrats would like to send more money to their corporate allies through another humongous “stimulus” boondoggle package.  Previous packages have directed most of the money not to the American public but rather to corporate partners and blue state finances.

Also increasing control over the public through “vaccine” passports needs a dangerous virus.  As the public sees the underpinnings of the COVID scam being exposed, it becomes a lot harder to sell any of this agenda.

The strategy to counter this outbreak in freedom, liberty and self-reliance is predictable.  The Left needs to wheel out some notables to appeal emotionally to the American public.  They cannot use science since the science says that we appear to be on the verge of herd immunity in the US.

So, Beijing Biden was pushed in front of the teleprompter and told what to say.  Biden demanded that states and businesses re-impose mask mandates.  Biden said “Please, this is not politics” which means EXACTLY that IT IS POLITICS.

Panic is needed.  However, Biden provided no data to support the need for such a reversal.  He called it a “patriotic duty” to “mask up.”  This is the tactic that the left always reverts to when they are losing the rational arguments.  Appeal to emotion.  Promote fear-mongering.

They also had the head of the CDC come out and cry during an interview because of a “sense of impending doom.”

It was all emotion.  It starts with the title which she hits on early.  The world will end if we do not submit and bow down before our betters in government.  She talks about going “off script.”  However, clearly, she is still reading from a script.  And that script was to promote fear in the public over an illness that has a cure rate better than the flu.  I will have to admit that maybe she deserves an Oscar for best performance in the impending doom category.

The closer we get to “herd immunity,” the louder and scarier the rhetoric will be. Oregon’s governor has asked the legislature for a bill to make mask wearing permanent.  They will threaten to take away what liberties they have “allowed” us to have.  The Democrats cannot afford for the public to be out and about engaging in normal activities.  The more that we talk amongst ourselves and compare notes, the worse it becomes for them.  Freedom can be contagious.

This leads to another item for discussion.  That is the surge at our southern border.  According to anecdotal reports, up to 10% of those apprehended are testing positive for COVID.  Thousands of people are jammed into facilities designed to accommodate hundreds.

The Democrats are now shipping these people north on airplanes to other parts of the country.  Are they trying to create a surge in COVID cases so that they can justify their agenda?  Just asking for a friend.

I really don’t care if people wear a mask. After all, this is still America.  It is your choice to do so if you feel the need to.  I don’t wear a mask.  I have not worn a mask anywhere except one location where I was legally required to do so in order to work.

Every store has a sign saying they require a mask, I think that’s what it says anyway. I don’t really care what it says, I do not wear a mask. And I’ve never been stopped or had anyone say anything.  I recently went into a Lowes store and every employee in the store had a mask.  More than half the people did not.

I recently went to a high school track meet to watch my grandson.  The nice lady taking tickets  asked me if I had a mask. I said, “yes I do,” showed it to her and kept going. She didn’t ask me to put it on, she just asked if I had one!!

It is time for Americans to take back the freedoms that have been denied to us.  If some wish to remain subjugated, that is their choice.  I will not be one of them.