Is War Coming?

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One of the hallmarks of the Trump presidency was his economic approach to foreign policy.  While he believed in a strong America militarily, PDJT also believed that using common economic interests as a lever helped way more people. PDJT was helping more people out of poverty than any single person in history.  The result of his approach was no new wars during his presidency.  The contrast with his predecessor who started seven wars in eight years was striking.  A lot fewer body bags were being filled with young Americans during the Trump presidency.

We are just a couple of months into Beijing Biden’s presidency and already it appears that war is looming on the horizon.  Russia and China detect weakness and are getting ready to exploit it.  There is a massive build-up of Russian and Ukrainian military forces near the Ukraine-Crimea border.  Is Russia planning to annex Ukraine like they did Crimea?  The current administration appears helpless to stop what now appears to be inevitable.  Who would win such a conflict?  That is unclear.  How many young people will be offered up as a sacrifice to appease campaign debts to large donors, to those who helped steal the November election?

More military vehicles moving in Crimea.

The buildup of NATO and Ukrainian troops on the other side of the border is just as significant.

I am sure that those who make the weapons of war are happy with this potential conflict.