Things that Make You Go…Hmm

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In the trial for Derek Chauvin over George Floyd’s drug overdose death, one of the issues is the so-called tolerance to higher and higher doses of the drugs in question.  Keep in mind that Floyd had more than three times what was considered a fatal dose in his system.  An addict who is using regularly needs more and more of the drug in question to experience the “sweet spot” high that he/she was able to achieve more easily when he/she first started using.  However, the body’s tolerance to the depression of the respiratory system does not move in lockstep with the “high” effect.  Thus the window of “safe” drug use becomes smaller and smaller before the respiratory system becomes overwhelmed and stops working.

Addicts who are irregular users (was George Floyd one of these?) can be much more likely to overdose because they will not know just what they need to achieve the desired drug effect.  Fentanyl is particularly problematic in this regard.

George Floyd’s drug dealer was subpoenaed to testify.  However, through his attorney, he has indicated that he will “take the fifth” and refuse to testify.  Since the state could easily grant him immunity for his testimony but has refused to do so, one has to ask why?

Hmm…It couldn’t be that the dealer testimony would undercut the state’s claim that Floyd had a high tolerance for fentanyl, could it?

The Avatar in the White House recently scolded the Texas Rangers after they announced that the Rangers’ home venue will operate at full capacity when the baseball season opens.  He wants them to “follow the science.”

At the border the Avatar is housing thousands of illegal aliens in facilities designed for a few hundred.  Where is the required social distancing and “following the science?”

Hmm…It seems that the science must be different for illegal aliens as opposed to everyday Americans.

“…I think the CDC & the Biden  admin need to come out a lot bolder & say “if you’re vaccinated, you can do all these things…here are all the freedoms that you have, because otherwise people are going to go out and enjoy these freedoms ANYWAY.”

Dr. Wen is apoplectic that people might realize there is no need for a vaccination because everything is open and there is no crisis.   She is beside herself that American people will enjoy their freedoms without vaccination.  The expressions on Chris Cuomo’s face are priceless as he realizes just how goofy this lady sounds.

Hmm…Just who is Dr. Wen working for?  Is it possible that herd immunity is upon us?  Do the “fixers” realize that their ability to control large swaths of the population may be slipping away?