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Moonbats is the only word that can come close to describing the following narrative.  The unfortunate part of this story is that it is true.  This is not something out of a dystopian novel.

While it is never wise to diagnose mental illness from afar, clearly there are mental issues at play here.  Woke supremacists are unable to see anything other then their own vision of the world.  This is particularly problematic in someone who also appears to be suffering from TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome.  Perhaps spending months locked down has exacerbated the difficulties that such people face.

New York Times editorial board member, Mara Gay, shares her experience driving to Long Island, New York, on Memorial Day and how disturbed she was witnessing American flags.  Ms. Gay states the implied message by anyone displaying an American flag is: “this is my country”, and she finds that “alarmingly disturbing.”

The message that Ms. Gay gets from people displaying the American flag is one of exclusion.  Her implied statement is that flying the American flag is an example of white supremacy.  How does one arrive at such a ridiculous conclusion?  Mara Gay is ideologically brainwashed.  She has created her own reality.

My question for Ms. Gay is “In your alternate reality, what flag do you expect to see on Memorial Day?  Perhaps, the CCP flag?”  The level of stupidity here among a card carrying member of the woke supremacy is alarming.

According to Gay, these flag wavers are excluding others from participating in our great country.  Of course, someone who sees herself as a perpetual victim would arrive at such a demented conclusion.  It never occurs to Gay that these people are Americans who take pride in their country, who believe in freedom, liberty and freedom of expression.

Clearly Gay was “triggered” by the display of American flags.  Why?  Because some of these people were also supporters of PDJT.  This is part of the never-ending strategy of the Left to demonize anyone who dares to think differently from woke supremacists.  A mortal sin among the woke is support of PDJT.

Gay does not realize that she has been brainwashed into believing that only woke supremacists, aka communists, have the right answer for every situation she confronts.  Apparently believing in America, especially if one’s skin color is white, makes one a racist.

There will be more Mara Gay’s in this country if CRT is not ousted from the curriculums of our schools.  Gay probably started in college at the start of intersectionality and therefore probably considers herself at the forefront of the revelations of this made-up academic BS. These people believe they are superior to most other people and will never let this bigoted world view go.

I wonder what Gay will do on June 14th?  It is Flag Day and also happens to be PDJT’s birthday.  Perhaps she should retire to Biden’s basement so as not to be triggered by patriotic displays.

I think Paul Simon’s song is appropriate here.  I do believe Ms. Gay cannot think at all.

I do not believe Ms. Gay can read the writing on the wall.  And Gay lives in a world of terrible darkness.

I am sure Ms.Gay would vomit if she heard this song.

I am almost certain that the following might result in a suicide among these people.