Twitter Censors Arizona Audit

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Just how bad is America’s Audit in Arizona for the Democrats?  How much did PDJT win Arizona by?  It must be horrendous for the Dems.  Yesterday Big Tech moved to shut down the Twitter accounts of the Arizona Audit.  This is a clear attempt to try to minimize the release of information to the public.  Twitter is doing what the government is not allowed to do.

This comes a day after Big Tech had announced that they have been partnering with the Five Eyes intelligence network (U.K., U.S., Australia, Canada, New Zealand).  The purpose of this public/private partnership is to get around constitutional prohibitions on the censoring of free speech by the government.

The political elite must be deathly afraid of the release of the Arizona audit information.  In a war this suppression of information would be tantamount to disrupting the enemy’s lines of communications.  This would be impeding their ability to send and receive info.

A recent Rasmussen poll showed that 58% of Americans want forensic audits done in all the swing states.  What will happen to that percentage when the Arizona audit is released?

Hat Tip…CTH

The elite know that Biden lost the election and that he was installed in the White House illegally.  One insightful person notes that this action by Twitter says:

“We stole the election. We’re in charge now. The government is ours and you will do as we say. Don’t make us round you up in person, you wouldn’t like where we take you.”

That does not mean that Big Brother is not concerned over the direction of political discourse in this country.  Audits are brewing in several more states.  Those Audit War Room accounts were also suspended.

Doesn’t suspending accounts with no rational reason show desperation?  They’re acting like their propaganda bubble might be about to burst and they have to preserve it at all costs.

Is it just coincidence that this is done on the day that the Dems’ star chamber efforts about January 6th are beginning?  These people are as predictable as tomorrow’s sunrise.

How do We The People take our country back?

I do not know at this point.  What I do know is that Americans are some of the smartest, most creative and most persistent human beings on the planet.  We have overcome many obstacles in the making of a free country for all who would embrace it.

Sundance over at CTH has defined three tiers for a successful effort.  His structure can be a starting point for all of us.

♦ Tier One is “tactical civics” at a local level.  Engaged and active citizen participation at the community, city, town and hamlet level of society.  This is what might be described as grassroots level.  School Board level; City Council level; County Commissioner level.

♦ Tier Two is “extreme federalism” at a state level.  Engaged and active citizen participation through your State House and State Senate representative.  This is state level assembly and action demands upon the House, Senate and State Governor.

♦ Tier Three the challenge of “federal offices” on a national level.  This is where CTH will present an action that can be taken way upstream that allows the first two tiers to take control over federal offices.   This is where we throw the One Ring into the fire of Mordor.

Along with Sundance I am confident that ultimately We The People will win. As Sundance has noted, the first two tiers, tactical civics and extreme federalism, are doable right now.  In fact, it is clear that some Americans are already hard at  work in these areas.

Start throwing sand into the gears of this corrupt machine!