Mask Mania

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Mask mania has returned to some locales across the country. There are school boards deciding to further damage the immune systems of the children they think they are protecting by requiring face diapers. And there are city and county elected boards that are imposing these mandates again even after multitudinous studies have shown that masks have no effect at stopping the virus.

Dr. Tom Woods has weighed in once again.

Well, just like that, masks have come back in quite a few places.

You and I know they don’t do anything, because we’ve seen the charts. The charts are relentless and unforgiving. Try to figure out where on the chart widespread masking began and you’ll always be wrong, because it’s always at a random spot.

And one way you know that a country with 95-98 percent mask compliance is about to have a massive spike is that the Western media writes stories about how that country “taught us how to beat the coronavirus,” with the main lesson being the alleged importance of masks.

I’m not much of a Bill Maher fan, but he wasn’t wrong when he said, “Sometimes I think we have to cover our faces so other people can cover their asses.”

Let’s check in on Georgia, where several counties recently introduced mask mandates. Note that there is zero difference between masked and unmasked counties, with the exception that the masked counties appear to be doing slightly worse:

In Nevada, the governor recently reimposed mask mandates in 12 of Nevada’s 17 counties. Let’s check in to see how much worse the unmasked ones must surely be doing:


Let’s check in with San Francisco, where hospitalizations just hit the same level as last summer’s peak:

Is this because they’re not vaccinated in San Francisco, or not wearing masks? Of course not. They’ve been fanatics about COVID in San Francisco. Why is there zero curiosity about this?

Answer: the crazies enjoy demonizing people. Nothing brings them more pleasure than to blame health outcomes on people’s failure to wear masks, or deprive themselves of joy, or whatever. So when bad outcomes occur in places where people are obsessively following whatever the latest “CDC guidelines” are, well, there’s nobody to demonize. Not to mention: charts like these undermine the standard narrative that any of these “guidelines” accomplish anything.

So therefore, they just don’t get mentioned.

If there’s one point I’ve hammered away at more than any other over the past year and a half, it’s this: the health outcomes of various places appear to bear no relation to the “mitigation measures” or “CDC guidelines” that place followed.

But virtually every talking head on CNN continues to speak as if it’s just obvious that these “guidelines” really do “keep us safe,” and they are never required to confront the mountain of evidence to the contrary.

It is truly like living in a Kafka novel. Nothing makes sense. People touted as experts on TV repeatedly tell you things you can disprove with three mouse clicks, and most people act as if this is normal.

You are not crazy. (That’s been the other main theme of my writing.)

But there’s only so much of this insanity that a person can take.

People need to take back their independence before there is no freedom left to act of one’s own volition.  As Rand Paul said recently, “They cannot arrest all of us.”

Do not cave into them.

You are not alone.

You can make a profound difference.
