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The Nazis are at it again.  The demonization of unvaccinated persons continues.

A high school in Washington State is forcing unvaccinated student athletes to wear ankle monitors in order to participate in sports, according to an outraged parent.

A 15-year-old student at Eatonville High School says that she was forced to wear an ankle tracking monitor to be able to participate in volleyball practice.

Of course, it was for her own good and the safety of others.  However, vaccinated students did not have to do so even though data shows increasing infection rates in vaccinated people.  And, yes, the vaxxed are spreading Delta.

The Nazis are slowly taking over.

The Nazi Football League (NFL) has decided to demonize the unvaxxed as well.  The New Orleans Saints are playing the first game in the NFL that requires fans to be vaccinated or provide a negative PCR COVID-19 test.

What effect has this had on ticket prices?  In this case prices on the secondary market have completely collapsed to the point that tickets are selling for less than $1.  People do not like discrimination.  PDJT saved the NFL from extinction some years ago.  That will not happen now.

It is far past time to end the anti-American NFL.  Everyone needs to stop watching and attending.

Delta Airlines has joined the coalition of companies trying to impose Naziism on America.  It was bad enough when Delta decided to work against a voting rights bill in Georgia that expanded voting while at the same time putting controls in place to secure election results.

Now Delta Airlines has announced it will begin fining non-vaccinated employees $200/month for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine.  Supposedly this fine is “to address the financial risk” posed by unvaccinated people.  What about the vaccinated?  Evidence is emerging that some vaccinated are super spreaders.  Will they be fined as well?

What’s next?  Fining them because they are overweight?  How about because they have a heart condition?  Or because they eat French fries?

I wonder how this will affect job performance?  Could we see delays, lost baggage, work slowdowns, etc.?

The Nazis would be proud.

It is time to boycott Delta Airlines.

Resistance is not futile.