1 Comment on Total FUBAR

The withdrawal from Afghanistan displays the total incompetence of this administration.  The following video ad highlights just a few of the things they got wrong.

The Democrats know how bad this is.  However, Biden is needed for their passage of their agenda to end America as we know it.  I do not believe that they will force him to resign.  Too much of the power they now have rests on the fact that Kama Sutra is the VP.  She breaks ties in the Senate.  If Biden goes, so does that tie-breaking power since the Vice-presidency would be vacant.  Tie votes result in stopping the passage of legislation.

The only way to end this charade is to bring on the audits to show that the election results were fraudulent.

1 thought on “Total FUBAR

  1. David

    Even when the audits come out the media will discredit them and say democracy is under attack. What happened in Georgia should never happen in this country again. We need accountability in politics right? WE hold them accountable at the ballot box. If that is broken Democracy is dead! Have a blessed holiday weekend!

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