Taliban 2.0
The Taliban, that’s the new version according to the dopey idiots in our national news media, are just like the old version. Genocide and the repression of women is underway again.
And they are flogging women in public just like the old days.
This is known as the Biden Effect.
Hypocrisy On Steroids
The idiots who handed over Afghanistan over to 7th century thugs and armed them with 21st century weapons as well took part in the 20th anniversary ceremonies of 9-11 on Saturday.
With the cameras on them:
Once the cameras are off:
They are laughing at the common everyday Americans who believe in this country.
Dr. Death Speaks Again
The man who funded the lab that created COVID-19 has moved the goalposts again. Fauci now says the herd immunity will only come after the vast majority of the public has been vaccinated.
This ignores the situation in Israel where roughly 90% of the population is vaccinated. COVID is running wild there. This ignores the situation in Great Britain where 97% of the population has either “S” antibodies or “N” antibodies. Under his theory COVID should be dead there. It isn’t. That’s because the vaccines do not prevent infection.
Now Fauci has taken a page out of Dopey Joe Biden’s playbook and wants to abuse kids with the side effects of the vaccine. How many kids will die if Fauci gets his way? Fauci already has blood on his hands.
Sports Fans Speak
A while back Biden mocked Trump supporters and gun owners by saying they will need F-15s and nukes if they want to take him on. A spontaneous chant that has erupted around the country and is spreading like wildfire may be all that is needed. It started at some college football games (Huge crowds…no masks). Since then it has spread to other sports and venues.
Chairman Biden even complained about it this past weekend. Apparently F-Bombs are more effective than F-15’s and nukes.
Are college football games now in the category of being an insurrection?
More Lies
And I know some people who find it incredible that Americans do not trust the medical establishment any more.