The Resistance Is Growing

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The NYPost reports on the growing resistance to the fraud that was perpetrated in November, 2020.  Trump signs are appearing everywhere.  We are ten months after the election and Trump’s support is growing.

Salena Zito from the NYPost noted:

When Drew and Marlene Proctor left their Jersey Shore, Pa., home to take their three-week trip across the back roads of the country for their honeymoon, they relished different sightings all along their journey.

But one thing remained constant no matter what state, city, town or village they passed through, Drew said, “and that was the amount of Trump signs we saw everywhere.”

“And I mean everywhere,” he added for emphasis. “They were in wealthy suburban neighborhoods, blue-collar middle-class towns. You would see them in farm fields and painted on the sides of businesses. Most of them were either large flags, although plenty of them were hand-painted homemade signs too.”

I can attest to this fact.  My wife and I spent 10 days traveling the byways out West.  From cities to small towns and everywhere in between, the phenomenon was very evident.  I have never seen anything like this in my life.  Trump signs and flags were everywhere.

The Proctors went on:

“The 2016 presidential election was not about Donald Trump. If people took the time to listen, it was about the dissatisfaction with the establishments of both parties, and I will tell you that was brewing long before he stepped on that escalator in 2015.”

Marlene, a 43-year-old ER clinician supervisor, nodded.

“Trump was the consequence of people’s sentiments, he was not the cause.”

Resistance is not futile.