This Is Not About Health

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It is deeply frustrating to realize just how deep the brainwashing is particularly when it comes to the COVID issue.  There has been a collapse of critical thinking.  Part of this is the psychological warfare that is being waged against the American public.  Those in power will stop at nothing to maintain their grip on power.

The ignoring of facts by Big Media and the nonstop use of fear porn has crushed the ability to reason on the part of many in America.  The nonstop drone from Big Media that different ideas are dangerous to the existence of the country has browbeaten many people into submission.  Any time there appears to be an eruption of common sense, the Left rolls out some strong emotional threat to cow people back into submission.  The most recent attempts are the ads being run by the government that imply we are putting our children at mortal risk if we do not submit to being jabbed.

This is not about our health or the health of our children and grandchildren. Someone who I will call Bogey has identified 11 simple truths that tell you this is not about health.

1) When 99.8% of the people on average recover from this virus, it means this is not about health.

2) When there is virtual zero risk to children and they want to jab age 5 and up children, it means this is not about health.

3) When a jabbed and an unjabbed person can both get and transmit the virus but only the unjabbed loses their job, it means this is not about health.

4) When Americans lose the right to decide what goes into their body, it means this is not about health.

5) When India and other countries reduce its COVID cases and deaths by 90% using Ivermectin cocktail and the US health officials deny its use, it means this is not about health.

6) When doctors are threatened with lose of license for using off label treatments to save lives, it means this is not about health.

7) When more deaths and adverse reactions are reported than ALL vaccines COMBINED over the past 30 years and yet health officials ignore this data, it means this is not about health.

8) When unjabbed people are denied other medical procedures because they simply want to remain unjabbed, it means this is not about health.

9) When early treatment therapuetics were denied and purposely kept from doctors, hospitals and thus billions of people, since March of 2020, leading to millions of unnecessary deaths, it means this is not about health.

10) When many people in Congress including their staffs and families, allegedly take Ivermectin, with zero hospitalizations and yet never speak up about the success or push to allow its use by the very citizens they represent, it means this is not about health.

11) When millions of people who got COVID and recovered and now have Natural Immunity, yet the Health Officials refuse to acknowledge and incorporate this into their policies, it means this is not about health.

All of the above are facts.  COVID has never been about health.  It has always been about control over the people.

As Bogey noted elsewhere in his comments, there is only good and evil as choices for what is going on.  And this sure does not feel like good.

Do not cave into them.

You are not alone.

You can make a profound difference.


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