The Pendulum Swings Back

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Virginia is providing the first glimpse that things may get better.  For those who may have been off planet when it happened, Virginia elected a Republican governor, lieutenant-governor and attorney general in November.  This was a big surprise since the governorship was considered a lock for the Democratic candidate.  Now that everyone has assumed office, they have not wasted any time in making changes that should benefit all the people of Virginia.

Newly elected Attorney General Jason Miyares fired around 30 staffers in the AG’s office of their duties.  This was over the howling protests of Democrats in Virginia.  However, it is nothing unusual.  Political appointees are just that.  Miyares wants people who will not ideologically oppose everything he wants to accomplish.

Miyares has taken immediate steps to reverse Democratic policies on prosecutions for certain crimes, to investigate high profile public corruption and to reverse radical climate policy.

One state senator, one Louise Lucas, used the usual Democratic strategy of outright lying about what was going on.  She claimed that the entire civil rights division in the AG’s office has been let go.  The real story was that 2 out 12 individuals in the office received termination notices.

Ron Coleman noted:

Miyares announced two high profile investigations into public corruption:

One of the reasons Virginians get so fed up with government is the lack of transparency – and that’s a big issue here. The Virginia Parole Board broke the law when they let out murders, rapists, and cop killers early on their sentences without notifying the victims. Loudoun Country Public Schools covered up a sexual assault on school grounds for political gain, leading to an additional assault of a young girl.

Virginians have dealt with the horrific aftermath of these scandals, without understanding how or why they were able to happen.

Real progress into these two incidents would go a long way to convincing people that the change in leadership is real and positive.  Another positive sign is the withdrawal of Virginia from the suit trying to give the EPA power that has not been delegated to it by Congress.  Specifically, it is West Virginia v EPA and in reality revolves around shutting down the coal industry.  This has been a long-term goal of the Democrats.

Now if this kind of progress would lead to local prosecutors actually doing their jobs in cities where the Soros touch has been to release criminals to run wild, then we will see real progress at reclaiming our great nation one state at a time.