Ottawa Truckers Domestic Terrorists

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The reaction to fear is the need to control everything around you.  Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly was the vehicle to demonstrate this on Friday.  The Freedom Convoy truckers in Ottawa are peacefully protesting.  The protest has continued for a week.  Contrary to the “peaceful protests” after George Floyd’s death due to a drug overdose, these protests actually have been peaceful.  There has been no rioting or vandalism.  However, what these protesters have exposed is just how weak the government is when We The People stand up and say “No!”

It always comes down to this point in any Marxist, communist endeavor, where the totalitarian, dictatorial nature of communism/socialism is exposed.  The Ottawa Police Chief was the source of this exposition in Canada on Friday.

Chief Sloly stated that they will use domestic terrorism authority against groups who are peacefully protesting.  He outlined that federal intelligence authorities will be “collecting financial, digital, vehicle registration, driver identification, insurance status and other related evidence that will be used in prosecution.”  Let’s remember, they are doing this for a group that is peacefully protesting.  This is raw fear that is being revealed for all to see.  They must contain this and do so in a way that makes others fearful to engage in the same kind of behavior.

They think that they can get away with demonizing these protesters.  This is what happens when the state -and all the politicians who benefit from it- is allowed to grow unchecked over years.  It gets to a point where they believe that they can squash any opposition to whatever policies they want to implement.  This is what communism looks like.

They will make up whatever narrative they think will work to get the public to turn against the Freedom Convoy.  However, they are nothing more than hacks trying to shore up a rotting, corrupt regime.

Another aspect of this that demonstrates just how fearful they are that their power is eroding is the proclamation that any police officer who even sympathizes with the protest will be removed from duty and subject to arrest.  Ottawa officers are to regard the protesting group as an unlawful, extremist and hate-filled mob.  Of course, they are nothing of the sort.

When will violence erupt?  When it does, if it does, it will be the direct result of instigation by those who pretend to lead legitimate law enforcement.  The Ottawa leadership are being made to look weak and foolish.  They are looking for an excuse to exercise heavy-handed physical violence against the protesters.  They will claim that they are just trying to keep people safe.  Is Canada about to have a Tiananmen Square event?  Who will the rank-and-file police side with?

Let’s remember that in Tiananmen Square the local military refused to clear the square.  The Chinese had to bring in regiments from Mongolia to do so.  Will this happen here?  Will Justin “Rainbow Socks” Trudeau bring in outsiders to clear the streets of Ottawa?

Sundance notes:

Those who recognize and appreciate history will note that whenever hardline leftism is confronted anywhere in history, there always comes an inflection point when the ruling state police have to make a decision.

In Ottawa, Canada, again another exhibition of confronting hardline totalitarian leftists, the voices of those within the Freedom Convoy movement are similarly not going to be deterred.  The protestors want the government COVID dictates removed, they want vaccine passport rules dropped, they want mandated vaccinations and forced medical procedures stopped, and they want their freedom back.

Into this equation and confrontation, The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and local law enforcement are also unlikely to want to bring blood and violence upon the streets.

We have already seen this at the border crossing between Couts, Alberta and Sweet Grass, Montana.  The local police refused to engage the truckers there.  The RCMP was reluctant to take action also.  This is the chief issued his decree about officer firings and arrests.

Let’s remember, the hardline leftists will not allow dissent to challenge their power.  They will attempt to ruthlessly crush this protest.  We, the people of the world, must shine a spotlight on this and stand with the Freedom Convoy.