Early, Effective Treatment

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There have been many articles posted about effective, early-stage treatments for the COVID virus.  This is another one.  This one will make your blood boil.

To set the stage, let’s review what we knew about COVID back in the spring of 2020.

  • This is a disease of old, sick, and obese people
  • Children and young people have virtually no risk above other baseline health risks
  • Repurposed drugs for early treatment were promising
  • It’s another coronavirus and it behaves like other respiratory viruses before it

How did old people fare outside America?

I will be quoting from Karl Denninger’s article from last September.

There were two nursing homes in Spain that became infected with COVID in March of 2020.  The mean age of the residents was 85.  In America such a venue was a killing field.  This was amply demonstrated by the governors of NY, NJ, Pennsylvania, etc.  What happened in Spain?

Within three months 100% of the residents had caught the virus.  Not presumed to have — proved to have.

How do we know this?  Because almost every one of them seroconverted.  All but three out of 84 of them, to be precise.

Think about that last sentence for a second.

Almost every one of them seroconverted.

How’s that possible?  Many of them died, right?  You can’t seroconvert if you’re dead.

Seroconversion means that the individual produces antibodies specific to a particular virus or vaccine.  Of course, that would be a real vaccine not the mRNA therapies that were used to inject people around the world for COVID.

So what were the results?  Nearly none died and no one went to the hospital.  How is that possible?  Dr. Fauci and the mindless one in the White House have warned us again and again that the unjabbed will face severe illness and death without the jab.

These people in Spain figured out how to treat patients.  The info is present in the US National Library of Medicine run by the NIH.  It was published formally over a year ago.  A shortened summary of the treatment guidelines are shown below.

Denninger notes:

You would have thought this would have been all over the news.  In point of fact not one mention of it was made.  Further, not one write-up was made in medical journals either until January of 2021…

The jab train must continue, you see.  So must the ventilator train.  So must the money train, the mask train and the rest of the BS we have endured for the last 18+ months.

So must the slaughter for money, the fear, and the lies.

Big Pharma needed fear to convince people to get jabbed.  COVID was just short of the Black Death according to the front-line people in our public health institutions.  The media was complicit in hyping this fear.  If this info about effective treatment had gotten widespread publication, people could have stopped whatever level of illness that they had by purchasing cheap off-patent medicine.  How do we know it’s cheap?  Denninger provides that answer.

Cetrizine is otherwise known as Zyrtec.  Loratadine is otherwise known as Claritin.   Dexchlorpheniramine is not often-used in the US anymore, but it used to be.  The other two core drugs were Azithromycin and Levofloxacin, both common antibiotics with the first being the infamous “Zpak” from the HCQ+Zinc+Zpak combination that a fraudulent study was used to discredit.

Both of the first two antihistamines are available over the counter in most nations including the United States.  The dosing they used is twice that on the label.  The two antibiotics are both available anywhere for little money.

Anyone ever heard of Zyrtec?  How about Claritin?  Zpaks?  Were there any safety factors to consider?  The answer is an unequivocal “No!”

As soon as they started treating people the following happened:

All of our patients evolved satisfactorily and were recovered at the beginning of June. No adverse effects were recorded in any patient and no one required hospital admission. At the end of June, 100% of the residents and almost half of the workers had positive serology for COVID-19, most of them with past infection.

Not one adverse event occurred among these residents and staff and no hospitalizations were necessary either.

In pooled data 28% of the residents in similar nursing homes over the same time period died.  In these two, once they started treating with cheap drugs, leading with those available over the counter in the US, ZERO — I repeat — ZERO had a bad reaction to the protocol, ZERO died and ZERO were admitted to a hospital for treatment.


It was one hundred percent effective.

Note that the mean age here was 85.  No one died.  No one was hospitalized.  Clearly there is no need to fear a COVID infection.  It is easily treatable with cheap, widely available drugs.  There is no reason to get jabbed.  There never was  a reason to even develop a “vaccine.”

This whole thing was a scam to steal an election first and then to control the public after that. Our health officials, driven by an egomaniacal god complex and amplified by a complicit media, painted an apocalyptic picture of what this pandemic was actually about.  They were successful in scaring people to bow down before medical experts who were just lining their pockets.

It also lined the pockets of Big Pharma and those who benefit from such association.  Such volumes of money that flowed from this are then used to control the politicians in many countries.

Denninger goes on:

Those who died did not do so due to a “novel coronavirus”; we knew how to treat that infection successfully for pennies in March and April of 2020.  Yes, in the first month or two people died because we did not know.

Beyond April of 2020 people died because we let the medical system and governments murder them for profit and they’re still doing it today.  We, the people, have allowed this.  We have failed and refused to rise up and hold accountable, personally, every single hospital, doctor, so-called “hero” nurse and every single politician across the globe.  They willfully and intentionally slaughtered millions on a global basis.

The answer to the problem — to Covid-19 — was known in March and April of 2020 and yet not published until January of this year, and even then not one single bit of media attention nor a single mention from Fauci, the CDC, the NIH or FDA has been made, all in the interest of Moderna and Pfizer’s stock prices and the power-mad jackasses on an international basis — at the cost of your loved ones’ lives.

That wasn’t an accident and it still isn’t one.

The Freedom Convoy in Canada is showing everyone in the world the way to stop this insanity.  They are now under attack by the government of Canada.  We must stand together against this horrific evil that has descended upon our world.

As PDJT said on Saturday night, we must “Make America United Again.”  We The People of the world must unite against evil.

You can find the entire article here.