Trudeau and Freeland Get Spanked

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Two days after Canada’s parliament voted to sanction PM Trudeau’s unprecedented power grab through the use of the Emergencies Act, Trudeau revoked the use of the act completely.  Trudeau and his Finance Minister Freeland appeared to be enjoying themselves as they harassed and terrorized truckers and their families who were peacefully protesting the insanity of Canada’s restrictions on personal liberties.  What happened that a Communist like Trudeau would completely reverse himself?

Technically the big problem probably was that he was going to lose a vote in Canada’s Senate over his use of the Emergencies Act.  One of Trudeau’s hand-picked Senators, Pierre Dalphond, turned on him, saying he would not vote for the act over concerns about how Trudeau was abusing his near-limitless powers to violate citizen’s charter rights.

This is just rubbish.  Where was this Senator last week when Trudeau was flexing his new found powers?  Why didn’t he speak up then?

The real problem appears to be two-fold.  First, as reported last week, Finance Minister Freeland’s announcement that accounts of anyone participating in, supporting and otherwise encouraging the protests would have their financial assets frozen.  And they had begun to do just that.  This led very quickly to what appears to have been a run on Canadian banks last Wednesday. Five major banks in Canada went off line in the evening after this announcement was made.

People place money with banks because they have confidence that the money will be there when they need it.  When banks can arbitrarily and capriciously seize your money (and that was the current situation in Canada), one will get it out before that happens.  Trudeau and Freeland threatened the very stability of the economic system in Canada.

Sundance notes:

There are also strong rumors in the financial sector, that in addition to Canadians removing money from the banking system, previous investment funds from Hong Kong had been moved – and, making matters even worse, digital currency exchanges were no longer offering secure services in Canada.

What Trudeau and his lackeys did was undermine people’s trust in the financial sector.  And it was not just in Canada that this was happening.  Banks work on a fractional reserve system approach.  This means that any significant withdrawal of funds (10% would be more than enough) can jeopardize the very existence of said bank.

Second, and this is intimately connected to the first point.  The World Economic Forum (WEF) is trying to institute a universal digital ID.  They were working with the Canadian Banking Association.  Such an ID would be used to identify everything connected to an individual.  If such an ID now existed, Freeland’s actions demonstrated to the world how easy it would be to cancel an individual without due process.

More from Sundance:

The motive for the World Economic Forum and Canadian Bankers Association to immediately reach out to Trudeau and Freeland and tell them to back off their plan is crystal clear.  THAT is almost certainly why Freeland appeared so admonished, shocked and incapable of getting her footing yesterday {Go Deep}, and why the Canadian government simultaneously informed Parliament they were unfreezing the bank accounts.

And unfreeze them they have.  However, it may be some time before people’s faith in the banking system can be restored.  For some that time may be infinite.  Old habits die slowly.  However, when your very existence is threatened, one can find workarounds.  There are many people out on the Net offering free advice on how to do that right now.

Trudeau has awakened the masses to the dangers of unbridled government leaders.  This is why they got spanked.  What he did, could easily be done by Macron against the yellow vests, or by Biden against PDJT supporters.  In fact, one of Trudeau’s lackeys had indicated that one of the criteria they were going to use to identify people for harassment and banishment from the banking system was whether they were Trump supporters.

The time to let our government elites know that we see this is now.  Trudeau’s actions were the Patriot Act on steroids. We must stop the WEF and Klaus Schwab now.