Why The Flu Shot?

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One of the things that continues to amaze many people who have come to see the marionette strings that control our government elites is the fact that so many people cannot see them.  This is especially true when it comes to the COVID jab.  How did the people in this country come to be so accepting of the so-called experts?

We are especially fortunate to live at a time when access to the internet has become ubiquitous.  When millions of people have access to publicly available data, many examinations and analyses can be done.  Perhaps the first time I saw this in action was the trial of George Zimmerman for the self-defense killing of Trayvon Martin.  And self-defense it was.  And fortunately, the jury agreed with the facts of the case despite the high-pressure environment they were in.

The streaming of the trial over the Internet allowed independent people who were just interested in the truth to weigh in on what they were seeing.  They helped two country lawyers obtain a not guilty verdict.  Many eyes on the proceedings were able to expose the corrupt nature of what the prosecution was trying to do.  Jack Cashill has written a book (If I Had A Son) on the subject which is available here.

What does all of this have to do with COVID?  Much data has been pored over by skeptical people.  The result has been the exposing of serious issues with the COVID protocols which otherwise might have been missed.  The government deliberately misled the people about how to deal with a virus which is no worse than a serious case of the flu and, in most cases, is not even that.

This leads me to a discussion about the flu “vaccine” also known by most people as the flu shot.  Many people routinely get the shot.  How effective is the flu shot?  Alex Berenson has done a post on the efficacy of the flu shot that I will be liberally cribbing from here.

The flu shot has been around for decades.  The number of doses administered has risen dramatically as the government has continually encouraged people to be “safe” by getting jabbed.

The chart has been squished to allow it to fit here.  The original source is here.

Berenson notes:

We went from 12 million flu shots in 1980 to almost 200 million in 2020.

Great job! We totally got rid of the flu, right?

Well, here’s flu deaths from 1959 to 2016:

See the trend?


THAT’S BECAUSE THERE ISN’T ONE. There is absolutely no relationship between the number of flu “vaccines” we give and deaths from influenza.

In fact, it is worse than that as the two items below demonstrate.

This chart shows that once the flu shots began to be given in 1980 the baseline for influenza deaths actually rose.  It has not yet returned to the baseline that existed before the government began jabbing people.  In fact during the 2017-18 flu season (not shown on this chart) was the worst for deaths in decades.  That is pre-COVID of course.

It is clear from the above items that the flu shot is just as useless as the COVID jab.  Why wasn’t this noticed?

Actually, it has been noticed by many older people who refuse to get the shot despite pressure from many sources to do so.  Older people, who were supposedly at more serious risk, noticed that despite getting the shot, people still were getting the flu.  The reason that less attention was paid to this was that, at least with the flu shot, it is not as dangerous medically.  While adverse reactions do sometimes occur, the frequency is minuscule compared to the COVID jab and serious reactions are rare.

Berenson argues that the history of the flu shot has given us the situation we are in now with the COVID jab.

Arguably more dangerous societally because the public health bureaucracy’s commitment to ramping up flu shots at all costs became the prototype for the Covid mRNA shot campaigns.

Instead of asking if the reason people didn’t want to get jabbed was that the shots manifestly DID NOT WORK, the authorities simply looked for ways to encourage or force people to take them. By 2010, research on “vaccine hesitancy” and “compliance” began to accelerate.

This is what happens when process – taxpayer-funded process – gets separated from outcome, when too many people have too much money and careers at stake for anyone to ask the question: Does any of this make sense?

And so when Covid came the vaccinators knew EXACTLY what to do. Except this time the money made the funding for flu shots look like a rounding error.

Getting out of this ditch is going to be very, very difficult.

I wholeheartedly agree with Alex Berenson.  The flu shot allowed government elites in the NIH and other alphabet agencies to game plan how to coerce the public into submitting to their pronouncements for the COVID jab despite the serious risks that were evident.

The biggest problem that we face is not the fact that the government continues to run PSA’s that tout the efficacy and safety of the COVID jabs.  Anyone who has looked at the data knows that the COVID jabs DO NOT WORK.  They do not prevent infection.  They do not prevent transmission.  They do not prevent serious illness and death.

What they do is fill the pockets of Big Pharma and any politician downstream from them with oodles of money from an experimental drug therapy.  What is needed is a Nuremburg II trial.  What these people have done is worse than what the Nazis did to the Jews.

It is time to expose the marionette strings for everyone to see.