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As most people know the administration is appealing a federal judge’s ruling that the imposition of a mask mandate for planes, trains and busses was illegal.  On Wednesday, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was asked about his planned attendance at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday.

Buttigieg said he was planning to go.  Fox News Brett Baier pressed him on why he was seeking to keep Americans masked on planes, etc. while he went maskless to a ballroom event.  Buttigieg tried to denigrate the reporter by saying, “Most of us understand the difference between a hotel ballroom and an airplane.”

In doing so, Buttigieg once again displayed his ineptness.  Airplane air filtration systems are way beyond anything seen in a hotel ballroom.  Airplanes filter and clean the air in the entire plane every 2 minutes while ballrooms with massive volume have very limited air exchange or filtration.

Just what were this man’s qualifications for this job?  Was this job the price of stepping out of the way so that Biden could be the Democratic candidate in 2020?

Fauci flips again.  On Tuesday, Dr. Fauci told PBS’s Jody Woodruff that the US is “out of the pandemic phase.”

“We are certainly right now in this country out of the pandemic phase,” Fauci said. “Namely we don’t have 900,000 new infections a day and tens and tens and tens of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths. We are at a low level right now.”

Apparently, Dr. Fauci forgot that the Democrats need the pandemic to be never-ending.  Such a condition makes it easier for them to steal elections.

On Wednesday Peppermint Patty corrected the record.  “COVID isn’t over, and the pandemic isn’t over,” Psaki told reporters.

Later Wednesday Fauci ‘clarified’ his COVID comments and said the pandemic is not over.

“I want to clarify one thing,” Fauci told NPR on Wednesday. “I probably should have said the acute component of the pandemic phase, and I understand how that can lead to some misinterpretation.”

No, Dr. Fauci.  There was no misinterpretation.  You finally admitted the truth.

On Thursday the Biden administration once again displayed their innate racism.  The Food and Drug Administration announced a plan to ban menthol cigarettes which are primarily used by blacks (85%) and other racial minorities.

Joe Biden is going to save blacks from using tobacco products.  I think this was once tried with alcohol.  How did that work out?

More insanity in Kenosha.  The Kenosha Parks Committee will vote on whether to honor career criminal Anthony Huber with a plaque and memorial tree in Anderson Park.

Huber was killed when he tried to take Kyle Rittenhouse’s head off with a skateboard during the violent BLM-Antifa rioting in Kenosha, Wisconsin in the summer of 2020.

Huber was a violent career criminal.

In 2012, Huber held a 6-inch-long butcher knife to his brothers neck and violently attacked him. He told his brother he was going to “gut him like a pig.” He choked his brother and dug his nails into his neck. His brother could not breath for 10 seconds. He then stabbed him in the ear. He then threatened to burn the house down and kill his mother, grandmother and siblings. Huber left on his skateboard.

His criminal career was very long.  Now Kenosha wants to put up a memorial for him?  Insanity!


One last item.

The Bureau of Economic Analysis reported today that Biden’s economy is shrinking. The first-quarter GDP declined by 1.4%.

Here’s Biden’s response to this.

Does Biden understand anything that is going on around him?