Supreme Court Justices Doxxed

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This is the state of our union.  This fence is around the Supreme Court because there are real Domestic Violent Extremists (DVE’s).  And they are threatening to burn it down.

Are these “far-right extremists?”  You know the answer to that.  These people are Democratic political activists who believe that “by any means necessary” is their rally song.  They have listed the names and home addresses of conservative Supreme Court justices in an effort to organize violence against the court.

This is a bare-knuckles attempt to coerce a particular decision from the Court.  There are people online calling for the assassination of conservative justices.

Where is the White House on this?  Unfortunately, by refusing to speak out against this intimidation effort, the mindless one who inhabits the White House has condoned these efforts to promote violence.  Anyone want to guess the reaction if a conservative group was doxing Kagan, Sotomayor and Breyer?

This is the Left having a temper tantrum.  They are trying to psych up their leftist mobs to terrorize their opponents.

This sounds like insurrectionist activity trying to interfere with “official government proceedings.”  Will the FBI be executing pre-dawn swat raids on any of these individuals who are calling for the burning down of the Supreme Court?

Is all this a prelude to rioting, looting and arson during the coming summer like we saw in 2020?

Mongo notes:

With each new outrage on the Left, I recall Senator Fred Thompson in The Hunt for Red October lamenting: “This business will get out of control. It’ll get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it.”

They are indistinguishable from the Jacobins, the Bolsheviks, the Maoists, the Khmer Rouge. Convinced “the arc of history” favors them, their “remedy” for their enemies, political or otherwise, will similarly be indistinguishable from the guillotine, the gulag, the Great Leap, and the killing fields.

A chilling reminder of what could be the outcome of all of this.